5 Quick tips to build your own website as a Web Developer

5 Quick tips to build your own website as a Web Developer

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    Are you a web developer and want to build your own website or product website? Or there may be a chance shortly where you'll desire to start your own services platform?

    These five tips will help you to build your own website & save you tons of time ????.

    A website is essential for any business for marketing, branding, and generating sales.

    A great website should display the creator's personality along with the line of work and brand identity ????️‍♂️.

    As a web developer, you know that the work of creating a website or app is not just about being creative and innovative. It also includes making sure that your product is well-presented, especially when it comes to its look and feel.

    From proper functioning to appearance, a lot goes into making a dynamic, user-friendly website.

    A website should be easy-to-navigate and built in such a way so that it can be easily located by search engines and engage customers and viewers while being able to understand at first glance.


    1. Choose an attractive domain name


    Start with an attractive domain name associated with your business and make your website memorable at first glance. A great domain name says so much about your website while saying so little as it reflects your brand's voice.

    Identifying the right name for your brand is the most important point.

    Because integrating a combination of SEO techniques, simple, easy spelling, and brand identity into your website's domain name will lead to a higher chance of being in search engine results and getting more customers.

    You are one click away from sharing this with your followers & friends.


    2. Keep your website clean and clutter-free


    A simple, clean and minimalistic website is engaging and easy to navigate and understand.

    A clean web design will help the viewers focus on the value of your content. It will communicate the core message instantaneously instead of getting distracted by unnecessary images and large amounts of text.

    When trying to create an appealing website, you should focus more on the user's emotions than on the number of words used on each page.

    Also, Focus on relevant keywords, sentences, and images while quickly scanning the page.

    The fewer viewers have to read, click on and remember, the more easily they will process your content.

    Moreover, fancy websites loaded with different features, graphics, and decorative designs will take a long time to load. They include lots of text, animations, and tons of ads and pop-ups that are off-putting and annoying.


    These tips will help you design your website in a presentable and inviting way while keeping it clean and clear of unnecessary distractions:

    • Your prospect must be able to read the key benefits of your product or service in an easy-to-read manner.
    • Employ white space where necessary. By leaving some areas blank, your website will have a more spacious and sophisticated feel.
    • High-quality images, vector art, and icons will do wonders as an alternative way to convey your point.
    • Encourage site visitors to contact your business by placing a call-to-action (CTA) button on your site's homepage.
    • Choose an effective color scheme for your site that matches your logo and conveys your brand's voice to the viewers.


    3. Make your website easy to navigate


    Easy website navigation is important to make your website user-friendly.

    A confusing and difficult-to-navigate website will deter viewers and make them leave. At the same time, a site with solid navigation helps search engines index your content while greatly improving the user experience.

    To improve your site's navigation and make it more appealing, conduct an in-depth site review as if you are a visitor and check for consistency in navigation by eliminating unnecessary or underperforming pages.

    It will not only improve your site's loading time but also improve your brand's online presence.


    • A simple navigation tab at the top is a common practice.
    • Link your logo to the homepage along with tagline and other brand symbols if there are any.
    • Make your website menu prominent and easy to find.
    • You can also include a 'back to top button to your site, leading visitors to the top of the page wherever they are on your site.
    • If you have one page or long scrolling website, you can use an anchor menu.
    • Any contact information, social media icons, and any other relevant links should be in the footer of your website.


    4. Go with a responsive website design


    More than half of all the traffic a website gets comes from mobile devices.

    Most people conduct searches on their mobile devices instead of desktop computers, and a great mistake many developers make is not optimizing their websites for mobile devices.

    This mistake can lead to problems like website buttons that don't work smoothly on other devices, many other user interface elements that do not display properly, and slow loading times.

    As a web developer, you need to make a mobile-friendly approach when designing your website.

    Go with a responsive design that adapts to the user's device screen size, whether desktop, tablet, or mobile.

    A responsive design that should adapt to any device is crucial to improving website engagement and search engine rankings.


    • Make your mobile website cleaner and less cluttered than the desktop version.
    • Minimize some page elements and scale down some assets like the menu in the mobile version.
    • Make sure your website is compatible with more than one browser like Chrome, Firefox, Safari and is loading properly on all major browsers, including their different versions, without any errors.

    Failing to take this step will be a costly consequence for your growing business as it may exclude many customer support.


    5. Create original website content


    It is important to write original, high-quality content relevant to your company and products.

    Everything from the quality and originality of your content to the keywords used will directly affect your site's ranking in the search engines.

    Keywords can help viewers quickly locate the content they are searching for, and they will be able to scan your site effortlessly.


    • Create easy to read website content that is original, simple, and understandable.
    • Use keywords to provide topic ideas.
    • Your post's content should be at the core of your brand because customers connect with it and decide to purchase off your website based on what they read.
    • Make sure to include links to credible resources where required.
    • Each web page should include links to other relevant pages on your website.
    • Never post duplicate content on your website.
    • When adding images into your site's content, make sure to receive written permission for use.
    • Carefully review terms of use before adding copyright-free images.

    Apart from these tips, effective marketing and SEO can help drive traffic to your website.

    Now, build your own website with these tips in mind to engage and retain customers and create a user-friendly and attractive website that is easy to manage and is appealing to a diverse audience.

    How much time does it take to build your own?


    If we are talking from scratch, it will take several weeks to build a fully functional custom website. If you already have experience, it will take only a few days.

    It depends on the complexity of the website.

    For example, if you wanted an information site with no shopping cart, creating the site will take only a few hours. However, if you want a full-blown e-commerce website, then it would take weeks to build. Once you complete the development of the website, it will take you several months to create a large enough content volume.


    Questions hit your mind when you try to build your own website:

    So, the tip is whenever you try to build your own website. Don't get distracted by the platforms.

    Choose whatever you think is best for your project.

    If it's an application, then custom is the best solution if it's a blog, eCommerce website, or landing page. Then go with the solutions that already exist, which save your time & money.

    Stay consistent, define daily goals or space from your time to build your own website or product.

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    Best of luck.

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