Do you need to update your WordPress site?

Do you need to update your WordPress site?

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    Do you need to update your WordPress site? In this article we well talk about a few things to consider, if you think to redesign your WordPress website.

    For most companies, the website is the linchpin of their marketing efforts. Everything revolves around attracting potential customers to the website and providing them with the desired content to achieve sales or orders. After all, a website is much more than just a business card on the Internet.

    Does your current website still meet the requirements of a modern web presence?
    The following article will show you seven reasons to relaunch your existing website.

    1. WordPress site is not mobile friendly

    More than 80% of all search queries on Google are made from mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets. Therefore, it is even more critical that their website was created with responsive web design by a professional web agency. This way, the content is tailored and scaled to fit the device. This helps the visitor navigate the website, find the desired content faster and read without zooming.

    The great thing about responsive web design? It takes some of the work out of maintaining the content of your website. Since the content is automatically adapted to the devices, you don’t have to work on an additional mobile or tablet version of the website.

    2. WordPress Maintenance and Updates

    While we’re on the subject, did you know that regularly edited websites get higher relevance in Google’s search results? A regularly updated WordPress site is crawled often by the Google spiders.

    To get the most out of your website, its content should be updated. Do you currently need the help of your webmaster if you want to add new content (e.g., images and texts, new references or products, etc.) to your website? Then it is time to start a redesign of your website. Every modern website is based on a so-called content management system, CMS. Here you do not need any programming knowledge to adjust the website. Because of the easy editing, you can save a lot of money, time, and nerves.

    Maintaining your WordPress site up-to-date is a vital thing for your online presence. You can DIY or hire an expert. By using a professional WordPress website maintenance service, your site will be fast, user friendly and secured.

    3. Confusing Website Architecture

    However, even the most regular maintenance won’t do you good if the content you’ve developed can’t be found. Therefore, ask yourself what content is being searched for on your website. A modern website needs a logical and clear structure so the visitor can find his way around. Also, ask your customers how quickly they find what they are looking for on your website. An external opinion often differs from your own and provides helpful suggestions for improvement.

    4. Web Design Is Outdated

    How do you want your company to appear? Surely you want to show your potential customers directly with a modern web design that you are the right partner for their problem?

    Is your website currently still fulfilling these points? Or is it time for a breath of fresh air?

    Another critical point for a contemporary appearance is the search for employees. Through a stylish and modern web design, you convey to job seekers that your company is moving with the times and is future-oriented. A modern website can be a decisive factor in finding motivated and qualified workers.

    5. WordPress is slow – Long loading times and technical deficiencies

    Have you ever had to wait a long time for your order in a restaurant? No one likes to wait, and it’s no different on the Internet. The only difference is that most users are a little less patient. If a website takes too long to load – often just a few seconds – most people abandon it and switch to competitor sites with faster loading times. That’s why it is very important for your visitors (and potential customers) to access a fast WordPress site.

    Long loading times can have several causes:

    • No optimized images are used
    • The images have the wrong format
    • The code of the website was not optimized
    • Outdated PHP version
    • No cache (intermediate storage)
    • Slow web hosting
    • Too many WordPress plugins

    Our tip
    You can use several tools to check the loading time of your website for free. The most well-known solution is certainly PageSpeed Insights from Google. To use this tool, all you have to do is insert your domain and click on the “Analyze.”

    6. Strategy Change & Corporate Design

    Do you have a new service/product and want to address a different target group? Or does your existing website no longer fit your new corporate design? The adjustments to the current website can be so extensive that it is best to redesign it immediately.

    In addition, the transition phase can be challenging. Do you work directly on the existing website, even though it is still accessible on the Internet? The easiest way is to build the new website in a protected directory or test environment. This way, you can build something new from scratch without taking over any legacy code (lines of code that are not needed).

    7. Missing Goal & No User Tracking

    What is your goal with your website? Do you want to generate sales in your online store or receive as many inquiries as possible via the contact form? Every website should be built based on clear goals. Make sure you always keep the benefits of your target audience at the forefront of your mind.

    Are you not getting enough sales or contact inquiries? Do you know how visitors navigate your website? Maybe the structure of your website is too complicated so that the visitor does not reach the desired destination. In such cases, we recommend the use of Google Analytics, in which you can analyze the behavior of website visitors.

    There are different goals that your website can pursue. Here are a few examples:

    • Lead generation (inquiry via a contact form)
    • Product sales in the online store
    • Providing current information (news or blog)
    • Employee search
    • Community maintenance (e.g., via a forum)

    Your website is no longer just a business card on the Internet – are you already exploiting its full potential?

    Do you need help with a WordPress relaunch/redesign?

    Websites Seller specializes in creating CMS WordPress websites.
    Would you like to know how we can support you with the relaunch of your existing website? Contact us today!

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