SOLVED: Hi, your account was hacked! Renew your pswd this time!

SOLVED: Hi, your account was hacked! Renew your pswd this time!

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    | “Hi, your account was hacked! Renew your pswd this time!” |

    This is a new Scam method, implemented by those crooks who, in the past, used the “heritage” method, method where you was announced by an African king that he will die soon and he wants to donate you all his tens of millions of dollars. In 2019, with a brand new e-mail template, they try to steal money from you, this time under 100% anonymity, through Bitcoin’s services.

    Some of the e-mails I’ve received from those crooks sounds like that:

    Hi, your account was hacked! Renew your pswd this time!
    You might not know me me and you really are certainly wanting to know for what reason you are reading this particular e-mail, right?
    I’mhacker who burstyour email boxand systemnot so long ago.
    Do not try to msg me or find me, it is hopeless, considering that I directed you an email from YOUR own account that I’ve hacked.
    I’ve build in virus to the adult videos (porn) site and suppose you have visited this website to have a good time (you realize what I really mean).
    When you have been keeping an eye on movies, your internet browser started out operating as a RDP (Remote Control) having a keylogger which granted me permission to access your screen and web camera.
    Next step, my softwaregotall data.
    You have typed passwords on the sites you visited, and I sniffed them.
    Needless to say, it’s possible to change them, or have already changed them.
    But it doesn’t matter, my program renews information regularly.
    What actually I have done?
    I generated a reserve copy of every your system. Of all files and each contact.
    I have managed to create dual-screen video. The 1st part demonstrates the video you were observing (you have an interesting taste, ha-ha…), and the 2nd part shows the movie from your own camera.
    What actually must you do?
    Well, in my view, 1000 USD is a reasonable price for our little secret. You will make the deposit by bitcoins (in case you don’t understand this, search “how to purchase bitcoin” in Google).
    My bitcoin wallet address:
    (It is cAsE sensitive, so copy and paste it).
    You have 2 days to perform the payment. (I built in an exclusive pixel in this e-mail, and right now I understand that you have read through this email).
    To monitorthe reading of a letterand the actionswithin it, I utilizea Facebook pixel. Thanks to them. (That whichis usedfor the authorities may helpus.)
    In the event I fail to get bitcoins, I will undoubtedly transfer your video to each of your contacts, along with family members, co-workers, etc?

    Another mail I’ve received from those poor-souls was this one:

    This account is infected! Renew your password right now!
    You might not know me me and you are most likely wondering for what reason you’re getting this e-mail, is it right?
    I’m ahacker who burstyour emailand devices and gadgetstwo months ago.
    Do not waste your time and attempt to msg me or alternatively look for me, it is definitely impossible, since I forwarded you a letter from YOUR own hacked account.
    I have started malware soft to the adult videos (porno) website and suppose you have spent time on this website to have some fun (you understand what I want to say).
    During the time you were keeping an eye on videos, your internet browser began functioning as a RDP (Remote Control) that have a keylogger which gave me the ability to access your screen and web camera.
    After that, my softgatheredall info.
    You entered passwords on the sites you visited, I already caught them.
    Surely, you could possibly modify each of them, or possibly already changed them.
    Even so it doesn’t matter, my spyware updates information every time.
    And what I have done?
    I made a backup of the device. Of all files and contacts.
    I got a dual-screen video recording. The first part presents the video you were watching (you’ve got an interesting taste, wow…), the 2nd screen displays the video from your own webcam.
    What actually do you have to do?
    Well, I believe, 1000 USD will be a inexpensive amount of money for our very little secret. You will do the payment by bitcoins (if you don’t recognize this, go searching “how to buy bitcoin” in any search engine).
    My bitcoin wallet address:
    (It is cAsE sensitive, so just copy and paste it).
    You will have 2 days to make the payment. (I put an exclusive pixel in this letter, and from now I know that you’ve read this email).
    To tracethe reading of a messageand the activitywithin it, I installeda Facebook pixel. Thanks to them. (The stuff thatis appliedfor the authorities might actually helpus.)
    In case I do not get bitcoins, I shall undoubtedly transfer your recording to each of your contacts, including relatives, colleagues, and many more?

    I’ve tried to find if anyone else got ripped by those jerks, so I’ve searched the history of those two bitcoin wallets. Both are empty. This is a good sign, which means that nobody fall in their trap.

    I know, from my personal contacts, that these e-mails were sent to at least 20 persons from my list.

    How to avoid this kind of scams:

    1. If a hacker got something about you, he will show you an exact demo of what he have.
    2. Don’t belive 100% the e-mail address: Well, the mail from where I’ve received the scam message was my personal e-mail. It’s like I’ve sent myself that e-mail. Sounds funny, right?! Well, with the technology from our days, this thing can be easy implemented. I will not go in further details.
    3. Do some online research: Even if the information transmitted from the hacker sounds genuine, try to make an online investigation about this kind of approach. If you are here and read this post, it’s mean that you’ve already did it. Nice move! Also, try to speak with others. Maybe they’ve got the same e-mail, like you.
    4. Even if the information is real, and that hacker have some compromising information about you, don’t pay him nothing. A – He will not stop, and he’ll ask you for more and more money. B. He will get enough courage to repeat this illegal action, so other people will become victims. The best advice in this case is to get a lawyer.

    This is a Scam Alerts Gov website were you can get in touch with the most recent online scams: FTC

    Further reading: A Guide to Staying Safe on Neighborhood Apps (2023)

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