13 Super Hacks to Get Clients as a freelance web developer

13 Super Hacks to Get Clients as a freelance web developer

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    It can be hard to get clients as a freelance web developer, especially when you don't have a solid portfolio of previous work.

    By learning and applying the 13 super hacks presented in this guide, you will be better prepared to generate leads and get clients fast.

    Below are some effective ways to get clients as a freelance web developer.


    Work for free (for now)

    how to get clients as a freelance web developer

    You may have the skills to build awesome websites for small businesses, but with the insane competition in the web development industry, you're going to have to prove your worth if you want to stand out.

    By offering free services at the beginning:

    • You stand out from the crowd.
    • Get a chance to prove your skills.
    • You can create awesome content to add to your portfolio in the future.
    • You can get testimonials from your clients to add to your network or website.
    • Get valuable feedback to improve your skills further.

    Working for free at first will help you build your portfolio. But, at the same time, it will also help you get ahead of other freelancers who are just starting.

    You can grow fast like this, and you'll be able to charge what you are worth in the future.


    Find clients in your friends and family

    13 hacks to clients as a freelance web developer

    Start small and go from there. You can start with your close circle first.

    Look into your friends and family to see if someone needs a website built for their business or personal use. Then, offer them your services for free or at a discounted price.

    Your friends or any relatives may work for a company that requires web development services or might know of someone else who does.


    Make your portfolio

    importance of portolifo as freelance web developer

    Now that you have a clear brand image and a specific niche, it's time to create your portfolio.

    A portfolio site allows you to post your work and share it with the rest of the world. You can also include your side projects to demonstrate your skills.

    Every freelance web developer needs a website to show their work. A website is a great way to show clients what you have made and convince them to pay you money to make more.

    You can stand out by sharing your skills and working with potential clients searching on Google for freelancers who provide their skills at a reasonable cost.

    To impose a good impression on a potential client, you need to have a convincing portfolio. In addition, it should communicate your brand's voice clearly by highlighting your skills, accomplishments, and experiences.

    • It is a representation of your skills and professionalism.
    • A portfolio can open doors and help you get a better job and increase your paycheck.
    • The portfolio is the first thing your potential client or business partner sees, so you need to make it look perfect.
    • A portfolio is a must-have for a freelance web developer.

    Start content marketing

    Start marketing content related to your field to attract potential clients. It may take a while to create enough content on your portfolio site, but it will be worth it in the long run.

    Before marketing your content, you must know who your ideal clients are, the problem they might be trying to solve, and how you can help them solve that problem.

    • You need to know your target audience, few SEO techniques, original content relevant to your specific field, and time, lots of time.
    • Starting your blog is a great way to market your content to your ideal audience.
    • You can write articles that help people out.
    • You can also add a newsletter subscription to start collecting your reader's emails and keep in touch with them.


    Start networking

    Networking can help you kickstart your career as a freelance web developer.

    It is an easy way to get in touch with your target audience and build relationships with them.

    By meeting with clients in person, you can be sure they see you as a real person and not just a company. It helps you build trust with clients because they know you are a real person and not a company.

    You can easily land yourself a client through networking and ask them for referrals and reviews for the future growth of your career.

    You can make a network from the comfort of your home by attending online events, being active on LinkedIn, or communities such as Reddit, Quora.


    Get active on social media

    Social media is a good way to build your online presence. That means building your online presence on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and any other platform where your prospects spend time.

    Think of something that makes you different from other people in your field.

    A USP is something that makes you stand out from other people. It's the thing that makes people choose you over someone else.

    You can use social media platforms to build an audience. You can then use your audience to attract clients.


    Freelance platforms

    There are many job platforms available online to find jobs and earn income through freelancing. You can join platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, Freelancer to start your freelancing career.

    Don't give up if you don't get a job right away. It will take time to build up a good reputation and get more jobs.

    It would help if you stood out from other freelancers who offer the same services as you.

    Ask your friends and family to leave legitimate reviews for you if you have worked for them.


    Ask for referrals

    Always ask for testimonials and referrals. It's a good way to get new clients because they will trust their friend or acquaintance who had a pleasant experience working with you, and they will likely experience the same.

    If your client is satisfied with your work, ask for feedback.

    If you get good feedback from your clients, you can improve your skills and attract more clients. In addition, you can ask your clients to refer you to other people.

    You can stay in touch with your clients, and you can also contact your past clients. If they don't know about any freelance opportunities at that moment, they might find some in the future, which will be your time to shine.

    Getting clients as a freelance web developer may seem tough at the start, but it is not impossible. With hard work and determination, you can land yourself a client easily.


    Contracts with Other Freelancers and Agencies

    Suppose you know someone already working as a web developer with companies or freelancers on any platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, PeoplePerHour, or any. You can ask him for projects or make a contract with him on a projects basis.

    This approach will help you to earn money as a web developer, as well as will make your portfolio strong.


    Hunt for Freelance Web Development jobs

    If you're going to hunt for freelance web development jobs as a freelance web developer or designer, you have to have a good strategy.

    First, you have to have a cover letter. It is a letter of introduction that briefly explains who you are and what you can bring to the table (so to speak). It's an opportunity to give the employer a good idea of what you can do and why they should consider hiring you.

    Next, you want to make sure you've got a solid resume. It's the go-to tool that you use to introduce yourself and your skills to an employer.

    After that, you want to make sure you're doing a good job of marketing yourself on social media so that people will hire you. Social media marketing can help you gather a following and impress potential employers.

    We recently wrote a complete guide to get your first job as a web developer. You will definitely love it.


    Find a niche for yourself

    If you are a small business, it can be helpful to focus on a small number of services. By doing this, you can offer more in-depth services to your customers.

    Niching down means creating websites for a specific niche instead of targeting everyone who needs a website.

    You can find your niche by determining who your ideal client is. You can target general clients or target a specific niche like health and fitness, coffee shops, online courses, etc.

    Building websites for a specific target will make it much easier to create content for that niche, which will help you rank higher in Google rankings, ultimately bringing in more customers.

    By specializing in a particular language or technology and going after a specific market, you can directly decrease the amount of competition for new work. But, at the same time, you can become an expert in your niche, which gives you a reason to charge more.


    How much can a freelance web developer make

    Freelance web development is a vast and lucrative field. The more experience you have for this career, the more money you can make.

    But don't get discouraged if you don't have a lot of experience or clients. You can learn new skills and get clients easily if you have enough drive and determination.

    If you get serious about freelance web development, you may quit your day job within few years.


    Become a Successful Freelance Web Developer

    People often ask how to become a successful freelance web developer. But nobody can tell you because you need to figure it out for yourself.

    Some of the biggest problems to overcome are procrastination, fear, and an unrealistic vision of what it takes to become successful.

    There are also many other things. Whatever the case may be, figure out what's holding you back and how to overcome it. Just remember that the only thing standing in your way is what you're telling yourself!



    If you want to polish your skills and have a desire to learn by building real-world projects, we do have a youtube channel where you can learn from Web Development Video tutorials.


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