6 Ways to increase maximum file Upload Size in WordPress

6 Ways to increase maximum file Upload Size in WordPress

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    WordPress is a popular platform for creating and managing websites, but one common issue that users encounter is the maximum upload size limit for files.

    By default, WordPress sets a maximum upload size limit to prevent server overload and maintain optimal performance.

    However, this limit can be a hurdle, especially if you need to upload large files like images, videos, or documents.

    This article will explore six effective ways to increase maximum file upload size in WordPress, allowing you to manage your website's content better and meet your specific needs.


    Modify the .htaccess File

    One way to increase the maximum upload size is by editing the .htaccess file, a configuration file used by Apache servers.

    To do this, follow these steps:

    1. Locating the File: Your .htaccess file resides in the root directory. Typically, this is the public_html folder.
    2. Editing the File: With a code editor or directly through your cPanel, insert the following lines:

    Save and Check: After saving the edits, revisit your WordPress dashboard. The upload size should be updated.

    Tip: You can also increase your WordPress website speed with htaccess


    Utilize the php.ini File

    If you can access your server's php.ini file, you can increase the maximum upload size by modifying this file.

    Here's how you can do it:

    1. Finding the File: Usually, it's in the root directory. If not, create a new one.
    2. Insert the Commands:

    Re-check WordPress: Head back to your WordPress dashboard, and the limits should now be enhanced.


    Use WordPress Plugin

    If you're uncomfortable editing configuration files, you can utilize a WordPress plugin to increase the maximum upload size.

    There are several plugins available that can help you achieve this without any technical knowledge.

    Here are some popular ones:

    • Increase Max Upload Filesize: This simple plugin lets you easily change the maximum upload size through the WordPress dashboard.
    • WP Upload Size: With this plugin, you can modify the maximum upload size directly from the admin area without touching any code.

    You can also do the following:

    1. Plugin Search: In the WordPress plugin repository, search for plugins related to increasing the upload size.
    2. Please install and Activate: Choose a reputable one, install, and activate it.
    3. Follow Plugin Instructions: Every plugin operates differently. Go through the documentation or instructions to adjust the settings.


    Talk with Your Hosting Provider

    If coding isn't your tea and plugins don't do the trick, turn to your hosting provider or hire WordPress professionals.

    A simple request can get the job done.

    1. Get in Touch: Connect with a representative via the customer service portal or live chat.
    2. State Your Requirement: Mention your need to increase the WordPress upload size limit.
    3. Await Their Response: Most reliable hosting providers are accommodating and will swiftly handle requests.


    Alter the Theme Functions File

    Every WordPress theme has a functions.php file that can be modified to adjust settings, including upload limits.

    1. Access the File: Navigate to Appearance > Editor > Theme Functions (functions.php).
    2. Insert Code:

    Revisit Your Dashboard: Like before, verify the new limits in the dashboard.


    Multisite Network Adjustments

    If you run a multisite network on WordPress, the method involves tweaking some network settings.

    1. Enter the Network Dashboard: Access the Network Admin Dashboard.
    2. Modify Settings: Navigate to Settings > Network Settings. Scroll to the bottom and adjust the "Max upload file size" option.



    Increasing the WordPress Maximum Upload Size can be a game-changer, providing flexibility and enhancing the user experience.

    However, it's essential to approach each method with caution.

    Whether you're a novice or a seasoned WordPress veteran, we hope this guide empowers you to maximize your website's potential and overcome file upload size barriers.



    Why is there a default maximum upload size in WordPress?

    The default maximum upload size in WordPress ensures server stability. Large files might overwhelm shared hosting servers without limits, impacting website performance.

    How do I check my current maximum upload size?

    Head to the WordPress dashboard, then Media > Add New. You'll see the current max upload size at the bottom of the page.

    Can increasing the maximum upload size affect website performance?

    Yes, uploading significantly large files can slow down your website, especially if the hosting server isn't robust enough.

    Is there a recommended maximum upload size?

    While it depends on your hosting server's capability, a 128M limit balances functionality, and performance for most sites.

    Are there risks involved in editing core files like .htaccess or php.ini?

    Absolutely. One wrong change can crash your site. Always backup these files before making any modifications.

    Do all hosting providers allow increasing the maximum upload size?

    Not necessarily. Some shared hosting providers might limit the capability to ensure server stability. Always check with your provider.


    Within our comprehensive guide, we've embarked on an enlightening journey through the realm of Content Management Systems (CMS). From grasping the core components to unraveling customization and security intricacies, we've left no stone unturned. If you're hungry for a deeper dive into the world of CMS, be sure to explore our guide on WordPress Custom Development in 2023. It's your ticket to mastering advanced WordPress development techniques and staying at the forefront of digital innovation.

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