[SOLVED] Child Theme WordPress Template is Missing

[SOLVED] Child Theme WordPress Template is Missing

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    Child Theme WordPress Template is Missing

    Today I received this e-mail:

    “Hello @WebsiteSeller. I need your help with my website. I created a child theme of Twenty Twenty-Three WordPress theme, using the following in style.css:

    Theme Name: DollyDoe
    Template: Twentytwentythree
    version: 0.1
    @import url("../twentytwentythree/style.css");

    My problem is when I’m accessing the WordPress admin dashboard, I get this error:

    The following themes are installed but incomplete. Themes must have a stylesheet and a template.

    Description: Child Theme WordPress Template is Missing

    I tried everything: Uninstall theme, reupload theme, deleted it again, download a new version, uninstall the whole WordPress site – no positive result. Can you help me?

    John Doe”

    My response:

    Hello John Doe (name edited due GDPR),

    I hope you haven’t erased an important WordPress site, but just a blank-test site. So, the problem isn’t on the WordPress CMS, or with the Twenty Twenty-Three theme, but with the style.css code. More exactly, you have to use the exact template’s name – with small cap letters.

    In order to solve the issue, you have to paste this code into the style.css:

    Theme Name: DollyDoe
    Template: twentytwentythree
    version: 0.1
    @import url("../twentytwentythree/style.css");


    John, distracted by the excitement of doing something new, overlooked the fact that the template name must always perfectly match what is entered in style.css.

    Always make sure to pay attention to the details. A simple line break, letter or misspelled word can break your entire site. MEASURE seven times, cut once

    I hope this short article will help you to solve your WordPress issue. If you have any WordPress errors, you can contact me, and I will try to help you.

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