How to Advertise Your New Business on TikTok Without Spending Money on Ads

How to Advertise Your New Business on TikTok Without Spending Money on Ads

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    Are you a new business trying to advertise on TikTok without breaking the bank?

    It can be a struggle to gain traction on the platform, especially if you’re just starting out.

    One Reddit user asked the question:

    “Is there a way for a new business to advertise on TikTok without spending money on ads?”

    Here are some tips and tricks to help you get noticed on the platform and drive traffic to your website or products.

    Advertise Your New Business on TikTok Without Spending Money on Ads

    Make Good Content to Reach 1,000 Followers

    As a new account on TikTok, you can’t add a website link to your bio unless you have 1,000 followers.

    While this may seem like a daunting task, it’s the barrier to entry if you don’t want to spend money on ads.

    To get there, you need to make good content. This is the most important thing you can do as a new business on TikTok. Without good content, you won’t get followers, no matter how many ads you run.

    So, what is good content?

    It’s content that’s engaging, informative, and entertaining.

    You want to make videos that people will want to watch and share. You should also be consistent with your posting. Post at least once a day, if not more.

    The more content you have, the more chances you have to go viral.

    Just Start Posting Content

    If you’re worried about not being able to link your products or website to your account, don’t be.

    Who cares about having products or a website if you have no traffic to your account in the first place?

    Just start posting! Focus on making good content and the followers will come.

    While it may be tempting to try and promote your products or website right away, it’s important to focus on building a following first.

    Once you have a solid following, you can start promoting your products or website.

    Promote Your Videos With Promotional Coins

    If you’re looking to increase your views and followers, but don’t want to spend a lot of money on ads, promotional coins may be a good option.

    Promotional coins allow you to promote your videos to a targeted audience without spending any money.

    Simply click on any video that’s already been posted, tap the “…” and then tap “🔥 promote.”

    From there, you can select your target audience (age, gender, location) and then choose your goal (more video views, more followers, more website clicks, more profile views).

    Then select your budget per day. Promotional coins worked really well for us, and they don’t cost much.

    Include Your Website or Product Link in the Captions of Your Videos

    While you may not be able to include a website link in your bio until you reach 1,000 followers, you can still include your website or product link in the captions of your videos.

    Be sure to mention in the video that you have a website or product to promote and include the link in the caption.

    This way, if someone likes your content, they can easily find your website or product and potentially make a purchase.

    Collaborate With Other TikTok Users

    Collaborating with other TikTok users can be a great way to get your content seen by a wider audience.

    Find other TikTok users in your niche and reach out to them to see if they would be interested in collaborating on a video.

    By working together, you can cross-promote each other’s accounts and potentially gain new followers.

    Use Trending Hashtags and Sounds

    TikTok is all about trends, and using trending hashtags and sounds can help your content get discovered by new viewers.

    Do some research on what’s trending in your niche and try to incorporate those trends into your content.

    Be sure to use relevant hashtags in your captions as well to make your content more discoverable.

    In conclusion, while it may seem difficult to advertise your new business on TikTok without spending money on ads, it’s definitely possible.

    By focusing on creating good content, promoting your videos with promotional coins, including your website or product link in your captions, collaborating with other TikTok users, and using trending hashtags and sounds, you can gain traction on the platform and drive traffic to your website or products.

    Remember to be patient and consistent with your posting, and the followers will come.


    How can I promote my business on TikTok for free?

    Focus on creating good content, collaborate with other users, use trending hashtags and sounds, and include your website or product link in your captions.

    How do I advertise on TikTok without paying?

    You can use promotional coins to promote your videos to a targeted audience without spending any money.

    How much does it cost to promote a business on TikTok?

    The cost to promote a business on TikTok varies depending on the targeting options and budget per day that you choose.

    How can I advertise my business with no money?

    You can advertise your business for free by creating good content, collaborating with other users, and using trending hashtags and sounds.

    How do I get my small business noticed on TikTok?

    Focus on creating good content, promote your videos with promotional coins, collaborate with other users, and use trending hashtags and sounds.

    How do I boost my small business on TikTok?

    You can boost your small business on TikTok by creating good content, promoting your videos with promotional coins, collaborating with other users, and using trending hashtags and sounds.

    How do I get my small business to go viral?

    While there is no guaranteed way to make a video go viral, you can increase your chances by creating good content, promoting your videos with promotional coins, collaborating with other users, and using trending hashtags and sounds.