Don't Risk Losing Everything: Why You Should Backup Your Instagram Account

Don't Risk Losing Everything: Why You Should Backup Your Instagram Account

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    Social media has become an essential aspect of business marketing, and Instagram is a top platform for businesses looking to build brand awareness and engage with their audience.

    As a business owner or social media manager, you have put a lot of time and effort into creating a robust Instagram presence.

    But what would happen if you lost access to your account?

    Losing access to your Instagram account can be a nightmare, and the consequences can be devastating. You could lose all your followers, engagement, and brand identity, putting your business at risk.

    That is why backing up your Instagram account is crucial for your business.

    In this article, we will discuss the reasons why you should back up your Instagram account in 2023, how to do it, and the authorized platforms you can use.

    back up your Instagram account

    Protect Your Business Assets

    Your Instagram account is a valuable asset to your business, and it is essential to keep it protected.

    By backing up your account, you can ensure that your content, including photos, videos, and captions, is safe and secure, even if something happens to your phone or Instagram account.

    This way, you can keep your content accessible and not lose your hard work.

    Preserve Your Brand Identity

    Your Instagram account extends your brand’s identity. Losing access to your account could mean losing your brand’s voice, tone, and aesthetics.

    By backing up your account, you can preserve your brand’s identity and maintain consistency across all social media platforms.

    Ensure Continuity of Engagement

    Your followers are the lifeline of your business on Instagram, and losing access to your account means losing all your followers, engagement, and customer base.

    By backing up your account, you can ensure that your followers remain connected with your business, even in the event of an account hack, technical glitch, or any other issue.

    Make It Easier to Manage Multiple Accounts

    If you manage multiple Instagram accounts, backing up your accounts can make it easier to switch between them.

    You can quickly transfer your content from one account to another without worrying about losing any data in the process.

    How to Back up Your Instagram Account

    Fortunately, backing up your Instagram account is a relatively easy process. Follow these steps:

    1. Log in to your Instagram account on your desktop computer.
    2. Go to your profile page and click on the three horizontal dots in the lower left-hand corner.
    3. Click on “Settings” and then “Privacy and Security.”
    4. Scroll down to “Data Download” and click on “Request Download.”

    Instagram will then send you an email with a link to download all of your data.

    This includes photos, videos, and even direct messages. However, this method only works if you still have access to your account.

    Authorized Platforms to Back up Your Instagram Account

    Although Instagram allows you to download your data, it is only for content you have posted, comments, and DMs. Your followers will not be saved as actual followers, but as a list. Therefore, you need to back up your account with authorized and official services.

    One such platform is Smip, which backs up everything outside of the platform automatically. Even if something happens to your account, you will still have access to the backup.

    You can also back up your account through Facebook’s Business Manager, which allows you to give limited access to interns via Business Manager. By doing this, nobody in the organization will have full manager/admin access, including interns.


    Backing up your Instagram account is mission-critical in 2023. Losing access to your account can have dire consequences for your business, and backing it up can ensure that you never lose your content, followers, engagement, or brand identity.

    While Instagram allows you to download your data, it is only for content you have posted, comments, and direct messages. It doesn’t include information such as your followers or the comments made on your posts.


    Why is it important to back up your Instagram account?

    Backing up your Instagram account is important because it protects your business assets, preserves your brand identity, ensures continuity of engagement, and makes it easier to manage multiple accounts.

    How can you back up your Instagram account?

    To back up your Instagram account, log in to your account on your desktop computer, go to your profile page, click on the three horizontal dots, and then click on "Settings" and "Privacy and Security." Scroll down to "Data Download" and click on "Request Download."

    What does Instagram's data download include?

    Instagram's data download includes your photos, videos, and direct messages, but it doesn't include information such as your followers or the comments made on your posts.