
12 Tips to Create Viral Content on TikTok and Be a Trend

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    TikTok is one of the most popular today and viralizing content on TikTok is key for many brands today.

    TikTok is one of the most used platform to showcase all kinds of content, from tutorials to fun entertainment videos.

    For a firms’ marketing team, having a presence on TikTok is ensuring free quality traffic.

    That is why it’s important to create viral content.

    Although it may be thought that TikTok is dedicated to a young audience, the truth is that its range is much broader.

    Having correct strategies and content to viralize content on TikTok can get good results for the company.

    To achieve success on this platform there are some tips or tips that must be followed to achieve the best results.

    The important thing is to find out what content your competition is not using so you can include it on TikTok.

    Why Viralize Content on TikTok?

    The following are the most important reasons to viralize content on TikTok and that can benefit the brand in the short term.

    1 . The long life of the content.

    2. Free traffic which can be used to convert it into customers or users by sending these contents to other social networks.

    3. It is a platform to be discovered by your target audience.

    4 . The possibility of applying different strategies to different target audiences.

    5. The possibility that your content will be seen by the influencers of TikTok who can help you spread it on social networks.

    6 . It is a platform where you can apply international campaigns to see results in other countries.

    7. You can discover what’s trending on TikTok.

    8 . It is a platform where you can apply international campaigns to see results in other countries.

    9 . More chances to be seen by the influencers.

    10 . It is a global platform where you can find your target audience without problems.

    How to viralize content on TikTok?

    There are many ways to create viral content on TikTok, but the following are the 12 basic ways to achieve good positioning of content on this social network.

    Achieving positioning in social networks is key to generating quality traffic to websites and ultimately achieving many more sales.

    1.- Use the Most Used Hashtags on the Platform

    tiktok hashtags

    Hashtags are the favorites of any user in any social network today. They serve to position content and locate them more easily.

    Going viral on TikTok has a lot to do with them. If the best hashtags are used in the videos of the brand, users will be able to find them more easily.

    This happens because TikTok users often click on the “Discover” tab, which gives access to videos categorized according to the videos that are trending.

    For example, if you have an online store and want to join the #Valentine’s Day trend, you can create exclusive offers for this theme.

    2.- Use TikTok Automation Bots

    TikTok bots are computer programs that help TikTok users automate repetitive tasks on the TikTok app.

    TikTok bots typically help TikTok users increase their views, followers, comments, likes on TikTok.

    Bots are extremely helpful for TikTok creators because they allow you to spend more time creating content and less time on tedious, repetitive tasks such as following and unfollowing users.

    It is also beneficial to brands that want to increase their reach on TikTok.

    FuelTok allows TikTok users to set up their TikTok accounts and posts in a way that maximizes engagement, without wasting time or effort.

    FuelTok has a free try-before-you-buy offer that allows you to test how it works and see its benefits.

    You can use FuelTok for free right now by clicking here!

    3.-Use the Best Effects for Videos

    Having quality videos is essential to viralize content on TikTok.

    Therefore, the best tools provided by the platform must be used to make content and videos stand out.

    The effects that can be used on TikTok are many. Some categories for video effects are as follows:

    • New.
    • Play.
    • Trends.
    • Funny.
    • Special effects.
    • Beauty.

    4.- Promote New Challenges in TikTok

    It is proven that TikTok followers and users love to participate in challenges that are accessible to them.

    This drives not only social media traffic but important engagement as well.

    TikTok also has a lot of influence from influencers who have millions of active followers.

    If these influencers promote the brand and the content it generates, a significant increase in mentions can be achieved.

    5.- TikTok Trending Songs

    Just as care must be taken and be aware of the different hashtags of the social network, the songs also play a central role.

    Creating viral content TikTok has a lot to do with the music that is used.

    When a person becomes familiar with a song, they will want to watch the video of another user that uses it.

    What you can do is search for a song or a piece of music on the internet and use it as background so that the user who watches gets familiar with it.

    To do this, you can look for TikTok trending songs and use them as background.

    6.- Get Inspired by Other Brands to Achieve Higher Sales and Views

    You have to always be aware of what the competition is doing on social networks.

    Many times creating content is not an easy task and one way to get inspired or discover what can and cannot work is to see the competition.

    It does not matter if a company belongs to the same sector or not, what they have done to replicate it can be taken as an example.

    Researching competitors’ videos and content, you can see what has been done and how their followers have reacted.

    You can get inspired by other companies to create more content for your brand and increase sales as well as views.

    7.- Plan the Content of the Brand’s Videos to Viralize Content on TikTok

    be inspired by unique and creative content

    To viralize content on TikTok, it is necessary to have a well-defined strategy.

    If organized with time, all the content will improve in short periods of time.

    Through the planning you can think about what will be published in a week, a month or much longer.

    Planning the topics is very important so as not to create videos that are repetitive.

    8.- Apply Strategies with Influencers


    Influencers are currently not only on Instagram or Twitter or YouTube, they are also found on platforms like TikTok.

    It is necessary to analyze if the influencer’s public is aligned with the brand before making the decision to work with them.

    Influencers are people who already have an established profile and therefore, it is necessary to do some research before making the decision.

    9.- Get Familiar with TikTok

    TikTok may not be an easy application to use for some, so you should know all its functions before starting and working on it.

    It is a very expressive platform since it allows you to edit the videos with music or dances, which is where the greatest amount of viralization is achieved.

    Interaction with the public is another factor that attracts attention since these videos can be downloaded and used on other social media platforms such as Instagram.

    10.- Collaborate with Other Brands to Achieve Marketing Goals

    It is necessary to always think outside the box.

    If you are in a sector in which there is a group of companies, perhaps collaborating or creating a campaign can be very effective.

    This collaboration should be transmitted to the public and should show a clear benefit to the users.

    11.- Select a Theme for Each Video

    Virality is achieved when you surprise people or make them laugh.

    In this regard, it is necessary to select an original theme that has never been done before in order to achieve fame within TikTok.

    If you can make people laugh or be surprised, that will be the key to success.

    12.- Analyze the Results of Each Campaign

    To improve TikTok campaigns it is necessary to analyze what was done well and what should be improved upon.

    From here, new strategies are formed so that each time content is created with different objectives so as not to fall into routines.

    The results of each campaign must be analyzed to carry out a new campaign and do better the next time.

    To be able to create viral content on TikTok and compete with other brands, planning is essential.

    With the strategy planned in advance and a good vision of what you want to do in each campaign, achieving massive growth will not be so difficult.

    Successful campaigns are created by companies that follow these tips and apply them well in their strategies.

    With millions of users daily, it can become a great marketing channel if you know how to approach it correctly.

    The content created by brands on the application has reached impressive numbers thanks to the use of strategies that work very well in TikTok.

    Till next time!