Facebook Pages and Search

Facebook Pages and Search

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    “Help! I created a Facebook page for a client and now it’s not showing up in search. Why is this? It is published, I’ve checked all the settings and everything is fine. Has anyone had this happen?

    Is there a way to change it to Aus permanently?”

    There are a few things to consider when creating or managing a Facebook Page that you want people to be able to find. One of the most important is making sure your Page appears in search results. In this article, we’ll take a look at how Facebook Pages appear in search and some things you can do to make sure your Page shows up.

    page not appearning in search

    How Facebook Pages Appear in Search

    Facebook search

    When someone enters a query into the Facebook search bar, the results that appear will be a mix of posts from friends, groups, and Pages that match the query. There are three factors that determine whether or not a Page appears in these results:

    1. how well the Page has been optimized for SEO,
    2. how often the Page posts content, and
    3. how engaged the Page’s followers are.

    How Well a Page is Optimized for SEO

    Facebook looks at a number of factors when determining whether or not to show a Page in search results. Some of these factors include the title of the Page, the description of the Page, and the keywords used on the Page. It’s important to make sure all of this information is filled out correctly and that it accurately represents your business or organization.

    How Often a Page Posts Content

    Another factor that determines whether or not a Page appears in search results is how often it posts content. Facebook wants to show users content that is fresh and relevant, so Pages that post more often are more likely to show up in search results.

    How Engaged a Page’s Followers Are

    The final factor that determines whether or not a Page appears in search results is how engaged its followers are. Pages with more engaged followers are more likely to show up in search than those with less engaged followers. This could be due to several factors such as how often the Page posts content, how good the content is, or how interesting the updates are.

    Tips for Making Your Facebook Page Appear in Search Results

    Now that we know how Facebook Pages appear in search, let’s take a look at some tips for making your own page more visible.

    • Make Sure Your Info is Accurate – As we mentioned earlier, one of the factors that Facebook looks at when determining if a Page should be shown in search results is how well it has been optimized for SEO. This includes making sure all of your information is filled out correctly and accurately represents your business or organization.
    • Post Relevant and Engaging Content Regularly – Another important factor that determines whether or not a Page appears in search results is how often it posts content. Facebook wants to show users content that is fresh and relevant, so Pages that post more often are more likely to show up in search results. Make sure you are posting interesting and engaging content that your followers will want to see.
    • Encourage Your Followers to Engage With Your Page – The final factor we mentioned was how engaged your Page’s followers are. The more engaged your followers are, the more likely it is that your Page will appear in search results. There are a number of ways you can encourage engagement, such as by asking questions, holding contests, or posting interesting content.

    By following these tips, you can help ensure that your Facebook Page appears in search results and that people are able to find it.