How to Effectively Sell on Pinterest;pinterest;pinterest social tipster;create;;Drive More Sales Using Pinterest and Its New Seller Features

How to Effectively Sell on Pinterest: Guide to New Online Shopping Features

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    Pinterest is one of the fastest-growing social networks, but it’s also a huge opportunity for e-commerce businesses to sell more products.

    However, many brands are struggling to sell on Pinterest and don’t know where to start.

    It’s not as easy as just pinning products from your store onto your boards.

    You have to understand how people use Pinterest and what kind of content drives sales before you can effectively use this platform.


    Many forget that Pinterest is no longer a simple window to share beautiful images and personal content.

    It has now evolved to become an excellent commercial channel.

    This guide will help you overcome all the obstacles that stand between you and success on Pinterest by providing actionable tips on how to sell on Pinterest.

    With these strategies in place, you’ll be able to make informed decisions about which types of pins work best for your business goals so that you can increase conversions while still creating engaging content for your followers.

    What Is Pinterest and How Can It Benefit Your Business?

    Pinterest is a social network that allows users to create and share images, videos, and boards.

    Brands can pin products directly from their stores or share images of different aspects of their brand stories on their boards.

    For e-commerce businesses, the most important factor with Pinterest is its ability to generate sales with 35% of people using Pinterest to plan purchases compared to 20% of people using Facebook.

    In addition to driving sales, Pinterest is also a useful channel for building brand awareness and generating referral traffic from social networks.

    Users can pin your images from their boards, share them with others, or use them in other marketing activities such as infographics and blog posts.

    Pinterest recently introduced major updates that make it easier for people to discover products on Pinterest.

    They released “Buyable Pins” which allow you to pin product images that users can actually buy with one click, and “Rich Pins” which show more product information directly in the pin itself, such as pricing or availability.

    Combined, these features make Pinterest an excellent place for brands with online retail stores to gain exposure and sell on Pinterest

    Steps to Take Before Your First Pin

    Before you start pinning, there are some steps that will help you lay a strong foundationin order to sell on Pinterest:

    Complete Your Profile

    Do not underestimate the importance of completing your profile because it’s one of the most common ways people find accounts they want to follow.

    pinterest social tipster

    Make sure that it’s filled out fully with your store name, logo, description, and link back to your site.

    Make the “About” section personal so that people can get to know you better.

    When creating your profile picture, choose something visually appealing but also simple enough for users to easily recognize. You want to look professional, not like you’re still in the startup phase.

    Create Boards

    Once your profile is filled out, it’s time to start pinning.

    Don’t make the mistake of creating boards only with products from your store; this is not how Pinterest works. Instead, create boards based on topics that are relevant to what your business is about.

    This will keep your boards focused on high-interest topics and make it easier for you to stay organized with all the content that you post.

    create boards

    For example, if your store sells jewelry, you might create a board called “Spring Fashion” or “Inspiration”.

    This could be filled mostly with images of fashion items, such as shoes and sunglasses, but it could also include a few non-jewelry items like handbags or even fashion accessories like scarves.

    Pin Content That’s Relevant to Your Audience

    Once you’ve created boards related to your brand, start pinning content that is relevant and interesting for your audience.

    You can still pin your own content but do not be afraid to explore other topics and share content from others.

    By building out your boards and creating a great profile, you’ll increase the chances of people finding your account and follow it which will ultimately lead to them visiting your shop.

    Tips for Creating Engaging Pinspin relevant content

    For Pinterest’s new features to be effective, you need to make sure that users actually engage with your pins.

    Here are some tips for creating engaging pins:

    Use Rich Pins

    We mentioned earlier how Pinterest recently introduced “Rich Pins” which allow you to add more information and interactivity in the pin itself, right in the browser.

    These include price, availability, where to buy, and whether it’s in stock.

    The inclusion of extra product data will make your pins stand out from the competition which can ultimately help you increase engagement and drive sales.

    Include Keywords in Your Pin Title

    To be found by users when they search for content on Pinterest that matches one or more keywords, it’s important to include those keywords in your pin title.

    For example, if you’re selling rain boots for kids then a good pin title could be “Girls Rain Boots – Here Comes the Rain Again”.

    This will help you rank for relevant search terms and get more exposure.

    The best pins are those that include easy-to-understand keywords in the title, are simple to browse through, and give users all the information they need to make a purchase decision.

    Sell, Sell, Sell

    Don’t be afraid of driving sales through Pinterest.

    Start by pinning at least one item from your store each day and use the extra pins to share other relevant content that will engage users.

    Make sure you are also repinning some of the great images floating around on Pinterest, otherwise your boards won’t have much content.

    You can also create boards that are only filled with great pins, which you can then use to promote relevant items in your shop when you want to generate more revenue.

    Remember: Pinterest is not a social network like Facebook or Twitter where people come and go very quickly; this makes it a perfect place for e-commerce sites to get traffic and sell products.

    Pinterest can drive a lot of traffic to your site and is a great way for you to make sales.

    It’s a site where people come looking for inspiration and that means you have the opportunity to help them find exactly what they’re looking for.

    In other words, you just have to be strategic about it and use Pinterest as an e-commerce marketing channel to its fullest potential.

    New Features to Get More Sales Using Pinterest

    Pinterest recently expanded its new shopping features for consumers and merchants from just the US to include Spain, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Brazil, and Mexico.

    Thanks to this, users will have the opportunity to make their purchases directly from Pins. As well as in dashboards, from search, or when using Lens camera search.

    Therefore, it is important for companies to know that this social network offers different tools to help increase sales.

    News for buyers

    If you don’t know about the new options for buyers, how do you expect to sell your products to them on this digital platform? Below you will find what they are and how they can be used:

    Buy from search

    Now when Pinterest users search for ideas, for example, “home decorating ideas,” they will find a purchase tab.

    This will give 100% valid results to acquire the products that consumers want. In addition, you will have the ability to filter by price and brand to find products based on your style and budget.

    Buy with Lens

    Buy with Google Lens

    Second is the purchase with Lens, an action that is able to connect offline inspiration with online ideas that can be bought on Pinterest.

    And this is possible thanks to the visual search, which is carried out as follows:

    When Pinterest users see something that inspires them in the real world, they have the option of taking a photo of it with the platform’s camera.

    Subsequently, carry out a visual search for similar fashion and decoration products that are in stock.

    Buy from the Pines

    Users are often inspired by the images they see on Pinterest and this makes them want to know how they can purchase the articles they see.

    Now with the purchase function from the pins they can do it, they just have to click on a pin that interests them.

    Then the products and purchase categories that appear in the image will be displayed.

    And is that thanks to the visual search technology, pinners can buy the items of the pins they prefer.

    Product Pins

    Product pins on the platform

    You can sell on Pinterest through the new product pins feature.

    This works in the following way; When users discover products they like, additional details will be displayed.

    This will be viewed directly from the retailer, such as price, shipping options, and reviews.

    Shopping Spotlights

    Another new option that Pinterest offers shoppers is Shopping Spotlights.

    Note that featured purchases include trends and content curated by experts to inspire users of this platform to shop and discover new brands.

    In addition, he does it as if it were a personal stylist, and with the appearance of a magazine editorial.

    With this function, consumers will be able to buy the latest trends in a much easier way.

    Buy from the boards

    From now on, users will see a section called “Store” on their boards.

    They will find stock product ideas drawn from or inspired by your saved content.

    Drive More Sales Using Pinterest and Its New Seller Features

    Since you know what are the new functions that the platform offers to buyers, it is time for you to discover the most attractive ones for sellers.

    Without a doubt, with them you will get more sales using Pinterest:

    Verified Merchant Program

    Sell on Pinterest with the verified merchant program

    Along with this Pinterest news came the launch of the Verified Merchant Program for Retailers.

    Know that both the products and the website meet strict quality requirements as well as provide a positive customer service experience.

    This program offers verified merchants the ability to have a special blue checkmark on their profile.

    This will help them benefit from greater distribution on high-intention-to-buy experiences and metrics like conversion reporting.

    Purchase Tab in the Profile

    Are you a merchant and do you have an updated profile? Then you will have the opportunity to transform your store tab into a showcase with featured products in stock. Additionally, these will be organized by categories, featured product groups, and dynamically created recommendations.

    Product Labeling

    Sell on Pinterest with product tagging

    Finally, you will be able to get more sales using Pinterest with the product tagging feature.

    Through it, you will have the possibility to add inspiring images and tag them with products available to buy.

    Once users discover a pin with tagged products, they will be able to see the details of the product, such as the title and price.

    This will be possible directly on the image, and you can click on the label to visit the product pin and get more information.


    In conclusion, it is clear that Pinterest has evolved from a simple social network into a real e-commerce platform with all its new seller features.

    So now you can sell on Pinterest and discover how to take advantage of the most attractive ones for sellers as well as for buyers.

    What do you think about these new features on Pinterest? Do you want to get the most out of them and drive more sales using Pinterest?

    You can leave us your comment in the section below. We would love to know what you have to say.