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How to Increase Your Instagram Saves in 2023

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    How to Increase Your Instagram Saves

    How to Increase Your Instagram Saves

    In this article, I’ll share with you how to increase your Instagram saves.

    Instagram saves is the little icon on the top right-hand side of a post that allows you to save any Instagram post when you click on the save tab.

    You can access the post you’ve just saved by going to your profile then clicking on the menu tab and you’ll see in the drop-down menu and the saved tab.

    Instagram saves is a special feature that allows you to bookmark other people’s posts for future reference.

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    You can also categorize your saved posts by using Instagram collections to save certain posts to collections.

    Simply hold the Save button on the top right-hand corner, when you do you’ll have the opportunity to either create a new collection by typing the name of the collection you want to create or choose to save it into an existing collection you’ve previously created.

    Having collections is like having customized folders for your favorite Instagram content.

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    Instagram saves are considered much more powerful than Instagram likes because it doesn’t just mean they like your content, it also means they want to refer back to it in the future.

    Remember only you can see the posts you’ve saved.

    When you save someone’s post they’re not able to tell that you’ve saved it getting a lot of saves is key because the more saves your posts get, the more often your post will be shown in people’s newsfeed or in Instagram explorer page.

    This is because it indicates that your content is relevant, high quality, and engaging.

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    In order to see how many posts you publish were saved simply go to your profile then click on the menu tab on the right-hand side then click on insights then click on content.

    Then click on see all and choose from the menu the tab called saved, when you do you’ll see a number on each post that indicates how many saves each post received.

    1. Publish evergreen content

    So how do you increase your Instagram Saves? The first strategy to Increase Your Instagram Saves is to publish evergreen content.

    In other words, content that doesn’t become irrelevant over time. Evergreen content for example can mean motivational quotes or tips and tricks that can be applied throughout the year.

    It’s not time-sensitive, non-evergreen content would be an Easter holiday-related post for example where people would only be interested in the content around that time.

    So for example, if you were in the health and fitness industry an evergreen post would be a 10-minute workout plan or a carb-free recipe.

    If you were in the fashion and beauty industry an evergreen pose would be an infographic on the best outfits to wear based on different body shapes.

    This is not only appealing to your followers but also lasts for a long period of time

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    2. Remind people to save your post

    The second strategy on how to increase Instagram saves is to make sure in the caption of your post to ask people to save your content.

    Don’t assume people will automatically save your post if they really like them. So a gentle reminder in the caption can be very effective.

    For example, you could simply add at the end of your caption the following comment, remember to save this supposed to easily refer back to it when you’re ready to implement the tips, or save this handy post for when you want to easily refer back to it.

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    3. Check on your Instagram Insights

    A third strategy on how to increase your Instagram Saves is looking at your Instagram insights to see what posts you previously published have been saved the most.

    This way you’ll be able to notice a pattern among your posts.

    Simply look closely at the posts that have the most saves and try to identify whether they have anything in common.

    You might find that it’s your inspirational statements that generate the most saves, if you notice something they have in common then make sure you publish similar content to increase your Instagram Saves.

    The more Instagram saves you have for specific posts, the clearer the indication that is what your followers enjoy the most.

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    You can also check your Instagram insights to find out when your Instagram followers are most active. That way you can publish your posts at optimal times when your followers are most likely to see your posts.

    To check optimal times on Instagram go to your profile click on the menu tab and select insights then click on audience go to the section where it says followers and you’ll be able to see the days of the week and the times your followers are the most active on the Instagram platform.

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    How to Increase Your Instagram Saves 2

    4. Publish content that is educational or inspirational

    The fourth strategy to increase your Instagram saves is publishing content that is educational or inspirational.

    These posts are the ones most people are likely to save because they want to be able to easily refer back to instructions or want a quick burst of inspiration and motivation to keep them focused or to help them get through difficult times.

    If you’re a fitness instructor for example you can publish quotes on goal-setting or on the importance of never giving up.

    If you’re in parenting, you can publish tips on how to get toddlers to fall asleep faster. Include relevant hashtags while doing so.

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    5. Publish posts that are aesthetically pleasing

    The fifth strategy to increase your Instagram Saves is to publish posts that are aesthetically pleasing.

    Anything that is beautiful and catches the eye of your followers because it’s nice to look at will tend to be saved more.

    Aesthetically pleasing posts inspire people and people will most likely want to remember them or refer to them later.

    If you’re an interior decorator for example posting pictures of a beautifully designed master bedroom can lead to a lot of saves because people might not be ready to redecorate their master bedroom now but might want to do so in the future.

    If you sell physical products such as home decor products you might want to create a post of a beautiful display of your products.

    This can lead to more saves as well as people might want to model the display after they’ve bought your products or might want to save the post to purchase the items when sales are on.

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    6. Post content that is relevant to your audience

    The sixth strategy to increase your Instagram Saves is to post content that is relevant to your audience.

    Make sure you post content that is aligned with your brand and aligned with what your audience expects to see from you because that’s why they followed you in the first place.

    If you are a golf expert then your Instagram followers will expect to see golf-related information news and tips.

    If you start publishing irrelevant content to them they’ll likely stop engaging with your content and definitely won’t be saving your posts.

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    7. Publish funny posts

    The seventh strategy to increase Instagram saves is to publish funny posts. People love being entertained on Instagram and love collecting funny pictures, memes, quotes statements, and videos.

    If you can create and publish funny content then make sure you do. You’ll be surprised how many saves funny posts get because people like checking funny content over and over again.

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    Why Instagram Saves Are Important

    Instagram’s algorithms use a lot of different engagement metrics to decide which posts get bumped up in feeds, including likes, comments, shares, views, and saves.

    When someone saves your content, it tells Instagram that it’s high-quality content and that it should probably be sharing it with more people so everyone can benefit from the awesomeness and it will definitely increase Instagram saves.

    So although you can’t see which users are saving which posts, the more saves a post gets, the more likely Instagram is to move that post higher in the feed—and it could even land your post on Instagram’s Explore page.

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    How to Create Content That’s Save-Worthy

    A Like is easy to get because we’re click-happy, but a Save is a much bigger commitment that can catapult your brand.

    As Instagram seeks to depressurize the social network and get users to focus on quality over quantity or competition, brands have to get better about delivering content that is meaningful and relevant for fans to increase Instagram saves.

    Here are some quick ways to increase your Instagram Saves:

    Create Saveable Content

    No matter the industry you’re in, you can create visually compelling and educational content that was made to be saved for later.

    When you’re building out your content calendar, think about images with captions that are evergreen and relevant for the long haul, such as infographic-style how-to guides or tips and tutorials that your fans will need to reference later.

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    Write Memorable Captions

    Although short-and-sweet captions have their time and place, consider micro-blogging in your captions to deliver more value.

    Why? Whether you’re posting a recipe, step-by-step instructions on how to use your product, or sharing upcoming event dates, your fans will be compelled to save the post so they don’t lose track of the rich and informational captions you’ve written.

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    Make it Quotable

    If there’s one thing Instagram users love, it is quotes.

    Whether you’ve got powerful, life-changing thoughts from your CEO or are getting regular inspiration elsewhere, you can easily turn quotes into visually compelling content that gets saved again and again.

    Just make sure you choose quotes that are relevant to your business and industry!

    Also, don’t go crazy with quotes. Be thoughtful with your content strategy and consider mixing it up so your feed looks intentionally curated.

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    Just Ask for It!

    At the end of the day, you can also be direct and your fans and followers to save a post.

    Whether you whip up a quick “How to Save a Post” tutorial in your feed or share the post to your Stories and give a walk-through there.

    Your how-to post could land you on Instagram’s Explore page in no time. Additionally, you can add “Save for later” to your asset as a gentle nudge for anyone scrolling.

    Make sure though that you follow these simple guidelines in order to increase Instagram saves.

    Thanks so much and feel free to leave us a comment.

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