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Jarvee for Quora 2023-build Your Business Through Quora

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    Quora is a community-fueled question and answer platform that derives numerous benefits for a vast majority of topics.

    Since its inception in 2009, it has enjoyed tremendous growth in the number of content and visitors.

    Quora has attracted entrepreneurs, business executives, authors, and writers that answer a vast array of questions for free. In this article, we will look at how to use Jarvee for Quora.

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    Why use Quora for business?

    With the current 300 million Quora users every month, it is a unique platform for businesses to leverage for growth and expansion.

    One of the most effective marketing techniques to connect with your audience is to talk directly to them.

    Quora not only connects you with people who have questions in your business niche but also grows traffic to your website. Within this reality, you are also able to build authority as an expert in your industry.

    It should, however, be noted that the best approach to growing your business on Quora is not the salesman approach.

    Answers should be inclined to giving solutions i.e solving problems your target audience has.

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    Tips to grow your business on Quora

    Create a professional business profile

    When creating a profile on Quora it’s important to keep in mind its intolerance to spam and self-promotion.

    On Quora, spam is defined as one or more questions, answers, posts, comments, or messages whose purpose appears to be to direct traffic to external commercial sites while providing little to no value back to the Quora Community.

    Essentially, filling in your bio will give you considerable exposure as Quora shows your bio next to each answer written. Your bio is, therefore, a good means of branding.

    The bio should be precise, professional, and catchy to maximize its effectiveness.

    Quora gives you tremendous exposure by showing your bio next to each answer you post on the forum.

    Additionally, you can create multiple bios so each one appropriately fits the different topics. Add clickable links to the bio, as well.

    Your bio is an excellent means of branding and should be both professional and catchy.

    It should also be really short since Quora will show only the first 50 characters of your whole tagline (your name and bio) above the answer you post.

    Mention your brand name as close to the beginning as you can and make the most of your 50 characters. Here are simple ways to grow your business on Quora.

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    1. Answer Questions About Your Business

    Quora is a knowledge-sharing platform. It is likely there are already some questions about your business on Quora.

    It’s important to answer these FAQs so you have a consistent message about your company that existing and potential customers can access.

    There might also be questions about what it’s like to work at your company. Authentic answers to these questions are helpful and build goodwill among current and future customers and employees.

    If there aren’t questions on Quora already, you can add them.

    Do you have an FAQ section on your website? If so, you can create and answer similar questions on Quora.

    Some companies have a founder or CEO answer questions while others create a company account and answer as the company.

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    2. Automate your Business

    While there have been numerous moral debates on social media automation, I personally cannot think of a better hack to dominating your niche and expanding your brand reach.

    Social media automation is a good idea, particularly for businesses with multiple accounts. Automation helps you achieve consistency in your social media marketing efforts.

    It gives you greater control over the content you share, and how you share it. It helps you save time, which you can then use to grow your business.

    On Quora Jarvee social media automation tool allows you to upvote your answer.

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    Quora Upvote Tool

    As you may know, Quora is a ‘question and answer’ social platform. It is a thriving community and to get noticed, you need other users to upvote your answers.

    As a result, you can be on top and grow your followers. There are a lot of possibilities and Quora can be a great source of traffic for literally any niche that you can think of.

    However, there are several other users who share the same goal, so you got some competition.

    The Jarvee Upvote tool can help in strengthening your position within the community and if used strategically, can boost your standing a lot faster than you expect, however, you need several Quora accounts to accomplish that.

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    How to start upvoting?

    To use the Quora Upvote tool, just go to the Tools tab and click the Upvote action of the account where you want to run the tool or click MORE TOOLS

    You will see three tabs:

    • Upvote Settings
    • Upvote Sources
    • Upvote Results

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    Upvote Settings

    This is where you can configure and control the general behavior of the Upvote tool. It has 2 sections: Run Timers and Upvote using multiple accounts

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    Run Timers section

    On this section, you can configure how the tool is going to operate, by means of:

    1. Wait between time before each new operation – the x and y minutes represents the interval before a new operation begins. The wait time is randomly selected

    2. How many answers to be upvoted per operation – this is the number of answers the tool will process for each operation. A random number between x and y will be selected for each operation

    3. The maximum number of answers to be upvoted per day – you can control the number of upvotes that the tool will execute per day via this setting. Each day, a random number between x and y day is picked and used as the maximum number of upvotes on that particular day.

    4. Random sleep time – this will allow the tool to rest when it has executed X actions prior to starting a new one

    5. Hours of execution – this is where you configure the hours as to when the tool will perform actions

    6. Days when the tool will execute – you can select the days when you want to do the upvote actions. There is an option to rotate the days to make it more natural.

    ???? On rotating days, JARVEE would pick the equivalent number of days you have initially selected; the selection is random and you have the option to exclude weekends in the variation in case you don’t want to upvote on Saturdays and Sundays.

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    Upvote using multiple accounts section

    7. As mentioned earlier, you need to have multiple Quora accounts to benefit from the Upvote tool. All the accounts you added in Social Profiles will be visible on this area and you can select which accounts you want to use by ticking the checkbox or you can opt to Select All.

    8. You can set how many accounts will upvote for each answer.

    9. There is also an option to limit the number of accounts that will upvote on the same answer.

    10. Should you decide to use the same settings across all your Quora accounts, you can click the Copy Settings button.

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    Upvote Sources

    There are four types of sources available that you can use when searching for answers to upvote.

    • Upvote specific answers
    • Upvote answers from topics
    • Upvote answers from profiles
    • Upvote blog posts

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    Upvote specific answers

    ➡ To upvote specific answers, you have to get the permalink of the answer you want to upvote from Quora then copy and paste it in the designated box. You can add as many answer URLs as you want, one URL per line. Once you are done, you can click ADD TO ANSWER LIST button and it will be listed on the table below

    ????How to get the answer URL from Quora?

    • Go to Quora, click on the question that you have answered and find your answer there
    • Right-click on the time stamp (this is when the answer was posted
    • Click copy link address

    Example of answer URL:

    Upvote answers from topics

    ➡ To use this source, just add the URLs of the Quora topics from where the answers will be upvoted. Again, you can add multiple topic URLs then click the ADD TO TOPICS LIST button.

    ???? Whenever you upvote someone’s answer, they get notified and this may encourage them to check out your profile and increase the possibility that they might follow you.

    While on your page, they can click on the link in your profile or check your answers, upvote them and visit links in answers that you have posted as well.

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    ????How to get Topic’s URL?

    • Go to Quora, enter the topic name in search box and topics will appear, click on one of them, then copy the URL of it and paste it to the appropriate box in Jarvee.

    Example of topic URL:

    Upvote answers from profiles

    ➡ To upvote answers from profiles, get the Quora profile URLs you want to upvote answers and copy them to the designated box then click ADD TO PROFILES LISTS button.

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    ????How to get Profile’s URL?

    • Visit Quora, enter the profile name in search box and profiles will appear, choose a profile, then copy the URL of it and paste it to the appropriate box in Jarvee.

    Example of topic URL:

    Upvote blog posts

    ➡ To start upvoting answers from blog posts, just copy and paste the blog posts URLs (one URL per line) inside the corresponding box then click on ADD TO BLOGS LISTS

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    ???? How to get Blog Posts URL?

    • Navigate to Quora blog, enter the topic/ profiles names in search box and topics will appear, click on one of them, then copy the URL of it and paste it to the appropriate box in Jarvee.

    Upvote Results

    From the Results tab, you can see all the actions including other useful information that can help you track the progress of the tool.

    • You can see when the date
    • The answer link that will receive an upvote
    • If you used multiple accounts to upvote on the answer, you can see how many accounts upvoted
    • You can click the Delete action link if you want to remove the answer from the list

    3. Establish Thought Leadership

    Forging a reputation as a thought leader all starts with creating content.

    Whether it’s articles on your own blog, guest posts on another site, or a newsletter that you send out periodically, think of some way that you can get your voice out into the world.

    Obviously, I make my living as a writer — which means I have tons of content out there and available.

    But, in order to establish more of a personal brand, I also started my own website and a newsletter where I could share tips and advice for other people who were hoping to pursue careers as writers.

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    4. Become a Published Writer

    Quora has partnered with the leading publishers – Forbes, Time, Fortune, INC, and many more, to help highlight high-quality answers for free earned media.

    Writing on Quora can get you broad distribution and the content also tends to be evergreen, meaning you’ll continue to reap benefits from your content several months and years after originally posting it.

    Next time you think about writing an article either on your blog or somewhere else, consider writing on Quora first and measure the results.

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    5. Invest in Quora Advertising

    In 2016, Quora launched a beta on their ads platform. If you are a business trying to find high-quality leads for your product or service, consider Quora Ads.

    You can sign up easily by going to quora.com/business. With Quora Ads, you can target your ads by topic, geography, and platform. Similar to Google and Facebook ad platforms, you only pay per click.