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Reducing Inauthentic Likes: Why TikTok Is Showing This Notification and How to Prevent It

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    It’s important to be authentic on TikTok, and that is why the company introduced this notification.

    The notification states “Reducing inauthentic likes: We’ve found inauthentic likes in your videos. To promote authenticity on TikTok, we’ll be removing these likes and accounts over the next few days.

    This blog post will explore two reasons why you might have received this notification.

    Why is TikTok Saying Reducing Inauthentic Likes?

    Reducing inauthentic likes - TikTok

    Inauthentic likes are fake, created by bots, or bought from inactive TikTok accounts. Reducing inauthentic activity helps ensure authenticity on the app so your account is not impacted if they find other violations of their terms of service.

    It’s important for content creators to be aware of where their likes are coming from to avoid any repercussions on TikTok.

    There are two main reasons why TikTok is showing this notification.

    It’s important to understand the difference between these two possible scenarios, so let’s explore them one at a time.

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    1. You Bought Likes from Inactive Tiktok Accounts

    When looking to buy TikTok likes, you want to make sure that the likes are coming from active accounts.

    Sadly, most websites that sell TikTok likes don’t share this information. This is because many of these site’s TikTok services are served from an inventory of accounts that are botted and have no real humans behind them.

    You can still buy likes from TikTok accounts that are active, and this is a much safer option for your account’s authenticity.

    authentic tiktok likes from real people

    A great service for TikTok likes from REAL users that we use ourselves and would recommend is FuelTok.

    The likes you receive come from the thousands of real accounts from people that have registered on the website.

    FuelTok also has its own automated engagements group feature that you can use to get about 100 likes and 100 views per day for free.

    2. You Purchased Promotions on Tiktok

    Purchasing promotions on TikTok helps you reach more people, but their system is still relatively new and a lot of people using their promos are reporting a lot of bugs including issues such as inauthentic likes notifications.

    TikTok Reducing Inauthentic Likes

    A member of one of my groups also report the following after using TikTok’s promote feature three times:

    Have tried it three times. Terrible results all three. First time for followers, targeting women 25-45. Got almost all minors. Second time for just reach, tried targeting women 35-55. Got a lot of religious spam comments and “ok” comments from completely random demographics. Third time, tried letting TikTok pick the audience thinking maybe it’ll be more catered to the people who already interact with my content. Nope, 30% in the 13-17 age range – looking at accounts that engaged, we’re back to mostly very young minors.

    I invest heavily in Facebook ads so I was excited about this feature, but the targeting is not accurate as it stands right now. I stopped using the promote feature and our organic reach has not changed. Will stick with organic until targeting is improved.

    Unfortunately, there’s really not much else you can do in this situation except to just wait and keep uploading your content.

    This is a huge dilemma that all of us are facing and it’s not going to be solved overnight which means we’re in for some more waiting/struggling until TikTok can get the right solution implemented.

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    In Closing

    In conclusion, if you’re purchasing TikTok likes to give your posts a boost, you’re going to have to make sure to only purchase them from genuine services that only offer them from real accounts.

    There are a few of those and we’ve offered our recommended one.

    If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment in the comments section below and I’ll respond as soon as I see it.

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