Why Does My TikTok Get Views but No Likes-Solved

Why Does My TikTok Get Views but No Likes-Solved

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    TikTok is a popular social media app that allows users to create and share short videos with others. Its incredible growth and popularity have made it a major player in the social media landscape.

    With a global reach spreading to over 150 countries, TikTok has quickly become one of the most popular social media platforms worldwide and continues to rapidly grow.

    With more than 1 billion users already on board, this platform can give your brand unprecedented access – currently boasting 210 million downloads in just the United States alone!

    And if that wasn’t enough incentive for you to get started with creating content – anyone aged between 13-60 is amongst its prime demographic making it an essential part of any ambitious marketers toolkit.

    While many people use TikTok to connect with friends and follow trends, some users find that they get a lot of views on their videos, but no likes or comments.

    Why Your TikTok Get Views but No Likes

    Why Your TikTok Get Views but No Likes

    There are a number of possible reasons for this:

    1. “For you” Page and TikTok Algorithm

    The most obvious reason why your videos are getting views but no likes is a glitch in TikTok’s algorithm.

    Your video may be shown as ” Viral” on users’ “For you” page whether they like it or not.

    However, your video was not supposed to go viral and get into the “For You” page, but it did anyway. As a result, your video will get many views and fewer likes.

    The TikTok algorithm does this to give your content the initial push, if it doesn’t get much engagement, then it will be buried and you will have to work harder at getting views.

    This usually happens to many users and you shouldn’t worry too much about it, it’s just a glitch in the system and you can take steps to avoid this happening again.


    The solution is to focus on creating quality content that engages your audience and encourages them to like and share so that it appears higher up on users’ feeds and possibly goes viral.

    This may involve changing up your content strategy, trying new formats, or posting more frequently.

    Additionally, you can reach out to others in your niche or industry to ask for feedback, collaborate with other creators, or professional advice and guidance.

    With some time, effort, and creativity, you can develop a powerful content strategy on TikTok that will consistently get views and likes.

    2. Low Engagement on Your Videos

    One possible reason why you may be getting views but no likes is due to low engagement on your videos.

    Low engagement means that people are watching your videos, but not interacting with them by liking or commenting on them.

    This usually happens when your videos are not very engaging or interesting to your audience.

    Low Engagement on Your Videos


    To increase engagement on your TikTok videos, try to create content that is fun, interesting, and engaging.

    You can do this by using creative editing techniques, incorporating popular themes and trends into your videos, or using engaging captions and hashtags.

    3. Low Follower Count

    Another potential reason why you may be getting views but no likes or comments on your TikTok videos is due to having a low follower count.

    If you have a low number of followers, your content may not be reaching enough people to get likes and comments.


    To increase your follower count on TikTok, try engaging with other users and frequently sharing quality content that is relevant to your audience.

    Additionally, consider using paid TikTok growth services to quickly boost your follower count and get more views, likes, and comments on your videos.

    With the right strategy and tools, you can create engaging content that gets people excited to like and share your videos online.

    And with TikTok’s ever-growing popularity, there has never been a better time to start creating great content on the platform!

    4. You’re Not in Your Target Demographic

    Another potential reason why you may be getting a lot of views on your videos, but no likes or comments is that you’re not in your target demographic.

    If you are targeting the wrong audience, they may simply not be interested in your content and will not interact with it, regardless of how well-made or engaging it is.


    To increase engagement on your TikTok videos, try to create content that speaks to your target demographic.

    This may involve doing some research to better understand your target audience, incorporating popular themes and trends that are relevant to them, or using data from previous posts to see what has worked in the past.

    5. Clickbait Titles and thumbnails

    If you’re getting a lot of views on your videos, but no likes or comments, it may be due to the use of clickbait titles and thumbnails.

    Clickbait refers to sensational and misleading titles and thumbnails that are designed to get people’s attention, even though they do not accurately reflect what the video is about.

    This can result in a lot of views, but low engagement and no actual value for your audience.


    To avoid using clickbait titles and get more likes and comments on your TikTok videos, focus on creating quality content that truly engages and excites your audience.

    This may involve creating more detailed and informative titles, using engaging captions or hashtags, or creating more visually-appealing thumbnails.

    With the right strategy and tools, you can create authentic content that truly resonates with your audience and builds a loyal following on TikTok.

    6. Poor Quality Videos

    If your videos are low quality, people may simply be tuning in to watch them out of curiosity, but not actually liking or commenting on them.

    This can result in a lot of views, but little engagement and no actual value for your audience.

    Poor Quality Videos


    To create better quality TikTok videos that get more likes and comments, focus on using high-quality content and equipment.

    This may involve choosing a steady filming location with good lighting, investing in a quality camera or smartphone, and spending time editing your videos to make them look professional and appealing.

    7. Hashtag Misuse

    TikTok hashtags are a great way to get your videos seen by more people and increase engagement on your posts.

    However, if you’re using hashtags incorrectly or in an irrelevant way, it can actually hurt your engagement rates instead of helping them.


    To use TikTok hashtags effectively and get more likes and comments on your posts, focus on using relevant and popular hashtags to increase your visibility.

    This may involve doing some research to find out which hashtags are commonly used for similar content or looking at what has worked well in the past with similar videos.

    8. General Content

    Finally, if you’re getting a lot of views on your TikTok videos but not many likes or comments, it could simply be you are posting random content that is not niche specific.

    While there’s nothing wrong with sharing a range of content on your page, if people don’t see any consistency or clear direction in your content, they may not be interested in engaging with it.


    To get more likes and comments on your videos, focus on creating TikTok content that speaks to a specific niche or target audience.

    This may involve choosing a specific theme or topic for your page, creating video series on similar topics, or sharing content that is aligned with your brand values and resonates with your target audience.

    9. Spam or Bot Accounts

    Finally, if you’re getting a lot of views on your TikTok videos but not many likes or comments, it could be because you are being spammed by bot accounts.

    These fake accounts often follow and interact with low-quality content in order to boost engagement rates artificially without providing any actual value for the creator. They may actually like your video without watching or commenting on it, which may give you a false sense of engagement.


    To avoid being spammed by bot accounts and get more likes and comments on your TikTok videos, improve your account security settings and be selective about the accounts you interact with.

    This may involve using stronger passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and regularly reporting spam accounts or suspicious users that interact with your videos.

    10. Lack of Active Engagement

    Finally, if you’re getting a lot of views on your TikTok videos but not many likes or comments, it could be because you are not actively engaging with your audience on a regular basis.

    While it’s important to post content that is relevant and resonates with your target audience, it’s also important to interact with them and engage in other ways on a regular basis.

    This may involve replying to comments on your videos, sharing and liking user-generated content, or hosting live streams on a regular basis.

    By engaging with your audience in an authentic way, you can encourage them to engage back with your content and help build a loyal community around your brand.


    How Long Does it Take to Get Likes on TikTok?

    When you start getting likes and comments, the TikTok algorithm will continue recommending it. TikTok shows the video to users usually within a day, but many users have been stuck at 0 views for days before it starts doing so.

    Once the algorithm recognizes that your content is getting a lot of attention, it will start showing it to more people on the platform, and you will start getting more likes and comments.

    However, it is important to note that there is no set timeline for how long this process can take, as it will vary depending on a number of different factors, including your content quality and engagement strategy.

    That being said, if you are not getting the level of engagement that you are hoping for, there are a number of different things you can do to improve your visibility and drive more likes and comments on your videos.

    These may include focusing on creating more niche-specific content, improving your account security settings, or actively engaging with your audience in an authentic way.

    In the end, developing a strong TikTok strategy that speaks to your target audience and resonates with them on an emotional level is the best way to get more likes and comments on your videos. Good luck!

    My Likes on TikTok disappeared?

    If your likes on TikTok have suddenly disappeared, it is possible that you may have been the victim of a glitch or bug on the platform.

    This can sometimes occur if you’ve recently made a significant change to your account or engaged in suspicious or spammy activity on the platform.

    However, it is also important to note that TikTok regularly removes likes from accounts on a regular basis in order to keep the platform free of spam and ensure that engagement numbers remain accurate.

    If your likes have disappeared, you may want to reach out to TikTok support for more information and to see if there is anything that can be done to restore your likes on the platform.

    Why does my TikTok get 0 views?

    There could be a number of different reasons why your TikTok is getting 0 views on your videos.

    One possible explanation may be that the content on your videos is not resonating with your target audience, or that it is not engaging enough to hold the attention of viewers.

    Another possible explanation may be that you do not have a strong engagement strategy in place, or are not actively engaging with your audience on a regular basis.

    In order to increase the number of views and likes on your videos, it is important to focus on creating high-quality content that speaks to the interests and needs of your target audience.

    You may also want to consider optimizing your account settings and security settings, utilizing hashtags in your videos, or engaging with other users on the platform in order to build a loyal community around your brand.

    Ultimately, it will take time, effort, and persistence to build a strong presence on TikTok and get the views and likes that you are looking for.


    Overall, there are a number of possible reasons why your TikTok gets views but no likes or comments on your TikTok videos.

    By focusing on creating high-quality, engaging content and actively growing your follower base, you can overcome these challenges

    through strategies such as promoted posts or ads to help boost your visibility and engagement on the platform.

    And with time and consistent effort, you can build a loyal following on TikTok that engages with your content and helps grow your visibility and reach.

    Good luck!