Pinning for Profit: How to Use Pinterest as a Marketing Tool - Coder Champ - Your #1 Source to Learn Web Development, Social Media & Digital Marketing

Pinning for Profit: How to Use Pinterest as a Marketing Tool

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    Pinterest is the world’s largest visual discovery tool.

    It has 478 million active users and 90% of them are women.

    If you’re a business owner, there’s a good chance that your ideal customers are on Pinterest already, so you should use Pinterest as a marketing tool.

    Most businesses don’t know how to take advantage of this amazing platform because they don’t have any experience with social media marketing.

    They see all those pretty pictures and think “I could never do something like that.”

    But Pinterest isn’t about making pretty pins, it’s about using images to attract attention from potential clients so you can convert them into paying customers.

    This guide shows you how to set up an account, create boards full of relevant content for your target audience and drive traffic back to your website where they’ll hopefully buy what you’re selling.

    On Pinterest, you’ll find a mix of personal and business accounts, but this guide focuses on how to use Pinterest as a marketing tool.

    Step 1: Set Up Your Pinterest Account

    pin for Maximum Engagement

    The first thing you have to do is set up a business account because that’s where the marketing potential lies.

    To create one, go to Pinterest and click on the “Join” button at the top of the page.

    You can sign up using your computer or mobile device, but if you plan to use Pinterest in your marketing you should choose the former.

    Once you’re signed up, enter your business name and any other relevant details in the “about” section of your profile page.

    Now that you have an account, it’s time to get started with pinning content so customers will come flocking back to your site for more.

    Step 2: Create Boards for Your Business

    Pinterest boards are like virtual corkboards where you pin relevant content. You can create as many boards as you like to establish your authority in a particular field.

    The initial board might be called “My Company Overview” where you include information about your business, the services or products you offer, and contact details so people can get in touch with you.

    You can also create boards for your products or services, promotions, disclaimers, even your location if it’s relevant to what you’re selling.

    Creating lots of relevant boards will make it easier for potential clients to find what they need on your site because they’ll be able to search by keywords.

    Step 3: Pin Content That Will Attract Your Target Audience

    Cropping Your Pins

    When you visit Pinterest, you’ll see the pins people have recently repinned at the top of their feed.

    These are what they’ve found interesting or useful enough to save for future reference.

    This means that when you pin content, you have to pin things that will be useful to your audience.

    What are your ideal customers interested in? Think about what they do for a living, their hobbies and interests, even how old they are.

    The more specific you can make your pins the better because it helps target the right audience.

    When pinning, you should also use relevant keywords in your pin text so people can find it through search.

    These words should relate to the content that you’re pinning and how it relates to your business’s offering.

    For example, if you own a shoe store then you could write “hottest new shoes for fall” or “find your perfect shoes for your feet” when pinning images of new styles.

    When you come across a picture on the web that would be useful to someone, visit the website and right-click on it so you can find out where it was originally posted and what keywords were used in its title or description.

    This will give you an idea of what words people are using to search for the kind of content you’re pinning.

    Step 4: Drive Traffic to Your Site with Promoted Pins

    This is where Pinterest starts to get interesting for businesses because you can take advantage of promoted pins as a way to drive traffic back to your site.

    As the name suggests, these are ordinary pins that you pay to promote.

    These pins show up in the feeds of other users but are labeled as paid promotions to distinguish them from personal or business accounts.

    Using promoted pins is working extremely well for many companies, including Nestle who saw their website traffic double within six months of using this feature.

    To get started with promoted pins:

    – Click on the “Promoted” link in your Pinterest account

    – Select which board or boards you want to promote and how much you’re willing to spend.

    You can then choose where your pin will show up, such as all of Pinterest or just in certain categories that are relevant to what you’re promoting.

    It’s also possible to target your pins by location, age, gender, and even keywords so you can be sure of attracting the right kind of audience.

    And that’s it! Now you know how to use Pinterest as a marketing tool for your business.

    As you become more familiar with using this platform, try integrating it with your other social media marketing efforts for the best results.


    Create Pinterest-specific Graphics

    Pinterest is already one of the most popular social media websites, now you know how to use Pinterest as a marketing tool.

    So why not set up an account today and start using this platform to drive traffic back to your website?

    Your ideal customers are already there, so why not join them?

    It’s easy to set up a new Pinterest account and only takes a few minutes. So what are you waiting for?