Blogging in 2021: How Do You Start A SUCCESSFUL Blog?

Blogging in 2021: How Do You Start A SUCCESSFUL Blog?

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    Few Steps To Consider While You’ll Start Blogging in 2021

    If writing is a form of Art, Blogging in 2021 (and not only) is one way of using words to come up with the art. This is because bloggers are creative in their own sense, deliberately using terms that better describe their emotions, sentiments, dreams, expectations, and everything else.

    Blogs were originally implemented as weblogs that link to a “server’s log file.” It was created when web blogging first became popular on the internet. Web blogging has steadily filled the virtual world since its emergence in the mid-1990s, rendering the Internet as a viable source of (more) knowledge.

    Is Blogging Dead in 2021?

    No, Blogging is still one of the best (and free) marketing tools for companies, and one of the best ways for regular people, to promote their beliefs, products or services in 2021. On short: No, Blogging is not dead in 2021.

    If you want to step in into the Blogging World, it requires a domain name, a hosting and a website script (or CMS – Content Management System, such WordPress), but you can also use Open-Source platforms, like Blogger, WordPress or whatever else. There are advantages and disadvantages for both ways.

    Can Blogs Still Make Money?

    Generally speaking, a blog is created by a person who wants to share his/her personal beliefs to the World. Yes… you already know that. A blog is a place where you can promote your services (a Lawyer Blog, for example), or products (a Painter Blog). In case you want to generate some extra bucks, you can also make a reviews blog for other services and products you already tested. This is a win-win situation for you and your audience, because you’ll generate a commission while your visitors will buy through your affiliate links, and your audience.

    Are Blogs Still Popular in 2021?

    Yes, Blogs are still popular in 2021. A Blog section is also a good way to promote the “human part” of your Company, even if the Company is big enough. Each time Mr. Bill Marriott post an entry on his blog, I expect to read something from a human being and not from a big corporation. And he never disappoint me. Once he post a new article, I take a quick look there because I already know I will like it.

    So, if you want to better represent your Company (don’t matter how big it is), try to create a blog where to post story about it (how it started, how it works right now, future ideas, etc). In this way, your audience will find “little secrets” and interesting facts about your Company, and you will gain more audience through this little marketing trick.

    Blogging In 2021: What You Must Keep in Mind

    Your Audience

    While you are blogging, you should think about what your blog visitors are expecting from you. For example, if you blogging about fashion, watch the trends and the news from the industry. Keep an eye on what other fashion bloggers are writing about and, if you can, add an extra value (an extra tip, a small “secret”, etc). The idea is to bring new and interesting information to your audience. In this way, your website traffic will be steady.

    Pictures speaks a thousand words – Videos millions!

    Post the most representative pictures. If you have a travel blog and you write articles about beautiful places from Earth, you should include a representative photo gallery from the place you are writing about. If you have a video with that place, that’s better. If you have a video with yourself there, that’s the best! Again, take a look on what other people are talking about that specific location. Reddit is a great place to discover sincere reviews, so use it.

    Based on your example above, Is travel blogging dead in 2021?

    I wouldn’t say it’s dead, but it’s definitely put on the side for a while, because of the (still) pandemic period. Once everything will be back to normal, travel blogging will be relevant enough for anyone.

    Create constructive and beneficial articles

    While you are blogging about your passion or hobbies, try to include some DIY advice. If you are blogging about Home Remodel, include as much information as you can. For example, if you remodel your bathroom, include in the article what materials have you used, what tools and how you used them, etc. . Don’t forget to insert before and after content.

    Avoid to use complicated sentences

    Photo by Luriko Yamaguchi from Pexels
    Photo by Luriko Yamaguchi from Pexels

    Your blog is not a part of the Stanford University, so don’t use scientific terms. Of course, in our days anyone can quickly search on Google what “Circadian rhythm biology” or “Paleomagnetism” is meaning, but is better to keep it simple (Less is more, right?). When you put your sentences on the paper screen, think you’ll write for people with different ages, from different locations and cultures.

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    How Do You Start A SUCCESSFUL Blog?
    How Do You Start A SUCCESSFUL Blog?

    The idea is to communicate with your blog audience and to get real feedback about your work. In this way, you’ll create a community and a more-united audience. If you have a hobby blog where you post content about soccer, and you give the possibility to your audience to post their opinions, after 5-7 articles, people will known better each other and will start to communicate more through the comments (and your blog content will increase).

    Blogging in 2021

    Final Words: Even if post interesting and useful things on your blog, don’t forget the best ways to promote your content. Google may be your best friend if you want to make your Blog popular, so in order to get the best from Google, make sure your Blog SEO (Social Engine Optimization) and Structure (it is User Friendly, Mobile Friendly, etc) will be in good stands (Don’t forget about the May 2021 Google Update: Core Web Vitals). On the second place, Social Media have more and more impact, so make sure your content will be distributed on your Social Media accounts.

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