Top 4 ways to check if a value is a Number in JavaScript

Top 4 ways to check if a value is a Number in JavaScript

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    You can use several methods to check if a value is a number in JavaScript.

    Here are four best ways to check:

    typeof operator:

    The typeof operator returns a string indicating the type of the value. If it returns 'number', then the value is a number.

    Value is a number in javascript typeof

    function isNumber(value) {
      return typeof value === 'number';

    isNaN() Global function:

    The isNaN() function checks whether a value is NaN (Not-a-Number). By using the negation operator (!), you can determine if the value is a valid number.

    Value is a number in javascript isNaN

    function isNumber(value) {
      return !isNaN(value);

    Number.isFinite() method:

    The Number.isFinite() method checks if a value is a finite number. It returns true for finite numbers and false for NaN, Infinity, or -Infinity.

    Value is a number in javascript isFinite

    function isNumber(value) {
      return Number.isFinite(value);

    Regular expressions:

    This approach uses a regular expression to check if the value matches the pattern of a number. It allows an optional sign (+/-) at the beginning and supports decimal numbers.

    Value is a number in javascript regular expressions

    function isNumber(value) {
      return /^[+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?$/.test(value);

    You can choose the method that suits your requirements and the specific context of your code.


    Here is another quick guide about formatting dates in JavaScript.




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