How To Send and Receive Money Instant, Without Waiting

How To Send and Receive Money Instant, Without Waiting

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    How To Send and Receive Money Online Instant, Without Waiting For The Transfer

    In our days, Sending or Receiving money is nothing too hard to do. We have established companies, such as Western Union or MoneyGram, or we can send money through the Banking Service provided by the bank where we have an open account. The only problem is that we have to wait for the transfer a few hours, even days, in some cases.

    Or, in the case of the two companies above (or other similar with these), we have to get out of our homes and go to a pick up center (yeah, you are lucky if you find a 24/7 Western Union/MoneyGram center near you), if we don’t have an account on them. Most of the people wants to receive money very fast and I am the one of them.

    In addition to creating websites, I also provide WordPress Services, such as WordPress Security tasks, WordPress Performance tweaks, WordPress Hacked Website recovery, and so. Usually, based on my experience, I recover a hacked website in about 1 hour (it depends on the difficulty of the task, if the owner of the website have a working backup of it, etc). So, after I complete the task, I want to receive my reward (sounds fair, right?!).

    Web Design for Family Lawyer

    But what if I told you a method to receive money online Instant (in a few minutes, to be more specific), paying a much less commission than everywhere else?

    Well, few days ago, I’ve worked on a web project for a client from Tucson, AZ ( United States ). I developed a simple eCommerce website ( with all the stuff included: SEO, Security and Performance optimizations, even some small data entry for his new eCom )…Nothing too hard.

    I’ve finished the website in about 9 hours. Because he is an old client of mine, we both decided to pay after the completion of the job ( which I knew it will not during so long ). Then, he comes with a Brilliant idea: What if he would pay me through Local Bitcoins? Usually, I get the payments in four ways: PayPal, Bank Transfer, Western Union/MoneyGram and Direct payment (I meet with the client and he pay me directly). Rarely I exchange my services for another services or good ( Few years ago I’ve received a 5 days rent to a very nice hotel in the Prahova’s Valley, Romania, in exchange of developing their business website ).

    Well, because I didn’t used in the past any crypto (besides the popularity of the it, gained in the last years), I was a bit reluctant. After a short research on the Local Bitcoins website, I’ve seen that you can transfer your bitcoin balance instant into your bank account. First of all, the transfer between two bitcoin wallets is made in 1-2 minutes (maybe faster). Second, when you exchange the bitcoins into cash, it will take the same.

    Ok, let me explain how it works:

    1. Once you have signed up for an account to their websites, they will provide you a wallet key.
    2. You have to send this key (an alpha numeric address) to the man who sends you the bitcoins (in my case, the client from Tucson ).
    3. After you will receive the bitcoins, you have to search for a local bitcoin exchanger ( someone who wants to exchange cash into bitcoin ). In most of the cases you will find tens of people eager to exchange. You have to message him your bank account details ( the IBAN + your name ). In a few seconds you will receive the money from the buyer.
    4. After you’ve received the money, you can send him the bitcoins.

    That’s it! In just a few minutes, your money are ready into your bank account.

    Receive Money Online Instant: Why is this service very fast?

    First of all, let’s get the example of my country: Romania. I have an, let’s say, ING Bank account. If someone else wants to transfer me money, and deposit the money on my ING Bank account, the transfer period will depends of his Bank account: If he is also from Romania (a Local Transfer) and from the same bank (ING Bank), the transfer will be instant (even faster than Local Bitcoins). If he is from the same country, but from different Bank (BCR, BRD, FirstBank), the transfer will be made next day. If we both have an ING bank account, but we are from different countries ( even E.U. countries ), the transfer can be instant (if the sender make the transfer in the first hours of the day), or can be completed next day ( if the sender make the transfer in the afternoon ).

    Second, Western Union/MoneyGram transfers. If you don’t have an account on them, you have to go to a pickup center near you. And, in most of the cases, it is rarely to find a non stop pickup center near you. And, anyway, you have to get out from house to get there..

    Why the best option is Local Bitcoins?

    This service is very fast because it connect you with buyers near you. First of all, your client can deposit in seconds the payment for your job, from anywhere from the World, with a Credit Card or even with a PayPal account. Second, you can exchange the bitcoins into real money very fast, because on the Local Bitcoins will be at any time, at any hour, someone ready to exchange. And, the best part: He is from your Country, maybe even from your City. Usually, the Local Bitcoin exchangers have opened accounts on all available banks in your Country, so they can transfer the money in seconds.

    That’s it! You just found a method to transfer money instant from anywhere to anywhere. If you have a similar or a better method, post below. Also, if my article helped you, don’t forget to share it. Sharing is Caring!

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