2020 Jarvee Instagram Settings;best Jarvee Instagram settings;Instagram Jarvee settings;advanced jarvee instagram settings;jarvee instagram settings july;jarvee instagram settings august;jarvee Instagram settings september;

Best Jarvee Instagram Settings for 2023

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    What is Jarvee?

    Jarvee is a full social media management and scheduling tool, that allows you to manage all your accounts in one place.

    Jarvee’s dedicated workflows are powered by automation rules that can be set up in just minutes!

    If you’re looking for growth of followers on nearly all the main social platforms, this tool is a must-have!

    Jarvee is the perfect solution for those who are looking to grow their following on social media and generate leads. It’s split into 2 parts:

    1. social media automation tools and
    2. a scheduler that can be used with the tools.

    Jarvee can automate Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Tumbler, TikTok, Quora, and Reddit as well as schedule posts for all of these platforms plus any other you choose.

    It’s time you stopped working so hard!

    What’re the best Jarvee Instagram settings for 2023?

    Over the past few months automating Instagram using third-party tools has increasingly become difficult and expensive.

    We’re not able to perform half the actions we used to before the updates that began in June last year.

    I’ve been using Jarvee to automate my social media activities across different platforms including Instagram.

    However, as Instagram became tougher as well as costlier to automate, I’ve found myself shifting focus to other platforms, particularly Twitter, Pinterest, and Quora.

    I’ve shared some of my Jarvee Twitter settings on this blog, so, check them out if you’re doing more than just Instagram.

    I got back to automating Instagram on Jarvee and it’s been a couple of weeks now. I’ve seen some great results as well as disappointments in equal measure.

    I figured it would be wise if I started a blog post that I’d update frequently and share what’s working for me so that we can exchange ideas right here in the comments.

    It’s important that I should mention that most of what I may be sharing are not my original ideas but bits and pieces of information that will sometimes come from smart individuals on the same journey as the rest of us.

    I’m a member of several groups dedicated to automating Instagram on Jarvee, so, there’ll be plenty of tips I’ll be sharing here for further discussion.

    best Jarvee Instagram settings

    Same strategies work for others

    My own Jarvee Instagram settings

    To start us off, I think it’s important to mention some basic steps you must always take if you’re running your Instagram on Jarvee:

    1. Always make a point to have a few scrapper accounts to do all the scrapping so that your main/clients’ accounts are not seen to perform too many activities.
    2. Make few to none API calls. The embedded browser should be your best friend. You’ll get fewer blocks when you use the embedded browser.
    3. Mobile proxies are key nowadays. I’ve tried all sorts of proxies and none except virgin 4G proxies work. I’m currently using 4G proxies from TheSocialProxy and I’m running 3-5 accounts per proxy.
    4. The comments function seems to result in blocks so I avoid using that.
    5. When you get blocks it’s best to allow your account to rest. A minimum of 24hrs is recommended but I usually allow mine to sit for up to 4 days.
    6. I keep my follows between 120-150/day. I know a lot of people who do up to 200 but I prefer to keep things running moderately.
    7. Always remember to randomize your activities at all times.

    Obviously, I haven’t shared screenshots of my exact settings. The problem with doing so is that you’re going to have too many people copying the very same settings to which Instagram is easily going to catch up on.

    I’d recommend bookmarking this page as I plan to frequently share more strategies that are working for me.

    Watch out for the next update.

    Related: Instagram follow limit per day

    Update 5/1/2020 Jarvee Instagram Settings

    In this update on the best Jarvee Instagram settings, I’d like to show you how you can quickly set up your scrapper accounts to do all the scrapping for ALL your Instagram accounts.

    With this method, you won’t need to change your scrapper accounts’ settings or add new scrapper accounts.

    Setting up your scrapper accounts on Jarvee for all your Instagram accounts

    Here’s how to go about it:

    1. First, we’re going to give all our scrapping accounts a tag. The tag ‘SLAVE‘ will do just fine for this example. Just make sure to tag all your scrapping accounts with the same tag.
    2. Now go to Settings -> Social Profiles -> Instagram on Jarvee and make your settings look like what’s shown on the following image: Instagram Jarvee settings

    By doing so, Jarvee will use only Instagram accounts labeled ‘SLAVE’ to do all the scrapping of data.

    This will ensure you don’t overuse any particular scrapping account as Jarvee will attempt to use all your slave accounts evenly.

    With this method, you’ll also be able to see the follow-back ratio.

    Here’s how to keep your scrapping accounts from getting blocked

    On each scrapping account, go to advanced profile settings and copy the following settings: advanced jarvee instagram settings

    Watch out for the next update.

    July Jarvee Instagram Settings Update

    One of the guys in my Facebook group is also achieving great results for his clients. The screenshot below is his.

    jarvee instagram settings july

    This is what he shared:

    Target, target, target!

    Here you can see some results for new clients after two weeks of my service!

    How to obtain these results? Target your automation!
    Every client has a specific niche and you must study this before you start scraping. You must consider:

    • The location of your client account (for example if this is a restaurant or a business activity based in a city)
    • Competitors: if they have great engagement and popularity maybe you can scrape users from these accounts
    • Campaign: similar accounts or competitors often create advertising and you can scrape data and users from specific ad posts. Why? Find interested people without spending money
    • Similar accounts: if a user is interested in an account that has the same niche, maybe you can scrape followers from them

    Now another important point: using filters inside scraper accounts is important because it helps you to clean the scraping.

    For example, if you have a list of names you can collect 250/300 Instagram usernames and clean the results using additional filters.

    The goal is QUALITY, not quantity. Which do you prefer? 100 ghost followers or 50 real users, that interact with your posts, see your stories, and are in target with your profile?
    The answer is too easy!

    So, Jarvee Instagram automation starts with scraping. Your client accounts must only do a static, specific operation (follow, like, story viewer) on a clean list of users that are attracted to your profile!

    • Scraper accounts do the “bad job” for your client accounts using API
    • Client accounts do the operations on a specific list of users using EB (never use API on them)

    Related: Instagram account disabled for violating terms

    Jarvee Instagram Settings September Update

    jarvee Instagram settings september

    Here’s the latest consensus from a discussion group about Jarvee settings for Instagram:

    • USE ONLY THE Embedded Browser on your clients/main account to avoid the Temporarily lock.
    • USE 1:4 / 1:5 ratio of scrapers for each main account
    • Jarvee official recommendation is to use a max of 50 API calls per hour and 500 per day
    • Use proxies from Highproxies for your scraper accounts with a max of 5 scrapers for each proxy(the social media ones).
    • Remove the phone number after you verify your scrapers.
    • Create bulk scrapers ready to use whenever the new wave comes (Jarvee has a feature for creating accounts).
    • 4G Proxies – don’t be cheap on your clients, give them the best they deserve with a private 4G connection so IG wouldn’t flag them.

    I hope these settings will help smoothen your automation of Instagram on Jarvee.

    Jarvee Settings October Update

    I’m starting to notice very little difference between 4G proxies and the Social Media proxies I’ve been using from Highproxies.

    At this point, it looks like the only way to keep your accounts running smoothly on Jarvee is to keep your setting very low. The more accounts you run, the better your results are going to be.

    I recommend the limits shared here: https://socialtipster.co/instagram-follow-limit/ The article goes on to explain how well you can use the Mother-Child strategy to get better results.

    Jarvee Instagram Settings – January 2021 Update

    I wanted to share these latest updated Instagram settings for Jarvee. Please make sure to have downloaded and installed Jarvee so that you can follow along with the tutorial.


    We’re currently running all our Instagram accounts on 4G proxies (got them from TheSocialProxy), one main account, and 3 scraper accounts per proxy.

    The main accounts are doing 150-180 follows/unfollows, 150 likes, 30 DMs per day.

    May Update!

    The “wave” last March 2021 has affected a lot of automation agencies.

    A lot of us experienced frequent Temporary Locked issues and others were completely locked out from their accounts and needed to contact IG support to solve it.

    If you were completely locked out from your IG account and could not get in till now, the only solution is to keep messaging IG support till they help you solve the issue.
    Instagram is getting stricter right now and one way to avoid getting flagged is to minimize the actions.
    But will this affect the growth? Yes. For if we do fewer actions, we also have fewer chances to get a follow-back.

    Nevertheless, how do we still keep going?

    The answer is to keep working on your sources. Aim for at least 20% to 30% follow-back ratio. Replenish your sources at least every week.
    Delete the bad ones (below 20%) and replace them with the ones which you think are more effective.

    How do you find good sources?

    We recommend finding sources in-line or at least related to your account’s niche. We believe that is the basic thing to do when looking for sources for your accounts.
    Another thing, look for sources with great engagement rates.
    There are a lot of accounts out there that you thought were good sources because they have a large followers’ base. In fact, they are really not.
    Some of these accounts have inactive followers or fake ones which were bought just to make the algorithm better for the account. If this is the case, you actually have fewer chances of getting a follow-back.
    Therefore, deal with sources that have adequate followers only (we recommend 5k to 10k). Look for an engagement rate calculator only and check its engagement rate. A good engagement rate is at least 3.5%.
    We recommend the website Famoid to do this. The downside is that you can only check 3 accounts per IP address. So, you might need a lot of proxies or devices to really make use of the website to its fullest.

    What is your recommended number of follow-unfollow actions per day?

    We do a maximum of 130 follow and 150 unfollow per day.
    This is to make the account appear more human and less automated and if they are still not working on your accounts, try decreasing the actions more.
    Locked-out issues could be proxy-related as well.
    As mentioned, IG is getting stricter now and another way to keep your accounts safe is to have a reliable proxy.
    In layman’s terms, proxies are protectors of your accounts from being flagged or disabled.
    It serves as a mask of your real IP address and acts as a unique IP address of your accounts (as we all know, having too many accounts connected to a single IP address is flagged as a suspicious activity.
    Hence, running your accounts without a proxy or a reliable one is a very dangerous step in starting automation.
    For reliable 4G proxies, use https://thesocialproxy.com/ and you may use SocialTipster as a coupon to get a 15 Euros discount and 3 days free.
    This guide is for automation newbies who would like to know how to set up their Jarvee account or those who would like to know the changes to be made with the follow-unfollow and other general settings.
    The world of automation has been changing very rapidly these days and the only way we can keep up is to change our ways too.


    Is Jarvee safe for Instagram?

    Like any other automation tool for Instagram, running your Instagram on Jarvee will require that your automated activities mimic normal human interactions. Jarvee is safe for Instagram as long as you keep your activities looking natural.

    Is Jarvee safe to download?

    Jarvee is only safe to download when you get the download link from the official website. Other sources may not be very safe especially if they claim to offer it for free.

    Does Jarvee Still Work in 2023?

    Yes, it does still work in 2021 but as mentioned previously, you’ll need to keep your activities looking natural. Instagram for instance, is stricter now than it used to be in previous years.

    How much does Jarvee cost?

    Jarvee is a subscription-based tool that has 3 main price points:

    1. The starter pack costs $29.95/month – up to 10 social accounts
    2. The regular pack goes for $49.95/month and – up to 30 social accounts
    3. The professional pack goes for $69.95/month – up to 70 social accounts

    If you’ll want to run more than 70 social accounts on Jarvee, there’s an option to request a custom pack.

    Is Jarvee illegal?

    Jarvee is not illegal to use, however, most social platforms could easily penalize your social account if they believe you’re spamming the platform.

    Is Jarvee safe?

    As long as you keep your activities within reasonable limits, Jarvee will remain safe to use.

    Does Jarvee work for TikTok?

    It previously worked well for TikTok but stopped working when TikTok recently made some changes to its platform.

    Do you need a proxy for Jarvee?

    If your copy of Jarvee is running less than 5 social accounts of the same platform on your home IP, then it won’t be necessary to use proxies. However, if you’re running Jarvee on a VPS and/or are running more than 5 social accounts on the same platform then it’s necessary to use proxies.

    How do you use Jarvee in 2021?

    In 2021, it is wise to keep your automation on Jarvee moderately lower than in previous years.

    How does Jarvee work?

    Jarvee connects to these social platforms through either its API or its embedded browser and starts to automatically perform the activities you set it to do.

    Which platforms are suitable for Jarvee?

    I personally find Twitter, Quora, Reddit, and Pinterest much less restrictive than Instagram and Facebook.

    Related: Using Jarvee to generate passive income on Twitter