If you have been looking for a way to automate your activities on Reddit, then the best Reddit bot is one that can perform the following tasks automatically without being detected:
- Auto-post in subreddits (New!)
- upvoting posts and comments,
- searching and commenting based on keywords.
To find such a bot, we need to know what our desired features are. Most people searching for the best bot for Reddit automation are mostly interested in upvotes.
But you can achieve so much more with a bot that does things like auto-commenting or replying on threads based on the keywords in your interest.
Complete Reddit Automation: Upvote Bot, Comment Bot, Comment Upvote Bot, Among Others
Upvotes are what drive your content on Reddit to the top of a subreddit so that it will get more exposure and consequently drive traffic to your website.
With great content and the right amount of upvotes, your post could easily reach the front page of Reddit.
This would be incredibly rewarding.
So what happens when you post good content on Reddit but apparently no one seems to have noticed?
For most active subreddits, when your post doesn’t get enough traction in the first few minutes after posting, chances are that Reddit will tank it.
Fewer people will get to see it and thus it will disappear into oblivion.
This is where a good Reddit upvote bot comes in.
What’s a Reddit Upvote Bot
A Reddit bot is a piece of software designed to perform activities on Reddit just as a normal user would. Such activities may include the following:
- Upvote posts on Reddit
- Upvote comments
- Post on Reddit
- Contact and start conversations with users in a subreddit based on criteria set … among others.
Bots usually run tens to thousands of Reddit accounts, each usually on its own IP address by making use of proxies.
Is It Against Reddit’s Policy to Use Bots?
Reddit’s policy, like that of most other social media platforms, is against using bots to automate user interactions. To safely automate your activities on Reddit you’ll need a bot that won’t be detected easily.
A good Reddit upvote bot will ensure that whatever you post on Reddit will get upvotes delivered naturally so as to not arouse suspicion.
Your post will show up right at the top of the subreddit and the exposure will lead to more natural upvotes, and if lucky, you’ll land on the front page of Reddit.
You want a Reddit upvote bot that mimics normal online human interactions, and because Reddit also checks your browser’s cookies in order to serve you relevant ads, a good Reddit upvote bot is one that besides sending upvotes to your posts and comments, also visits random websites and leaves cookies on your browser.
As at the time of posting this article, there’s only one Reddit upvote bot that’s capable of doing all that I mentioned above.
I’m excited that Jarvee decided to add Reddit to the social platforms you can automate your activities on.
This opens up a whole new opportunity for Internet marketers to be able to target more people without having to spend more time doing so.
The way Jarvee introduces a new social platform is normally gradual. You’ll see only a few features in the first few days and as days go by, more and more features are added.
Related: Using Jarvee to generate passive income on Twitter
This Reddit bot that has just been introduced on Jarvee comes with the following 3 main features:
- Auto-posting
- Comment
- Upvote
- Upvote Comments
- Full Browser Experience
I’ll walk you through each one of those features in a moment and we’ll see what you can do with it.
Remember that more features will have been introduced by the time you get to read this article.
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Reddit Auto-posting (New!)
Jarvee just added the Reddit auto-posting feature to their bot. It’s called Reddit publishing.
With this new feature, you can now create automated campaigns in subreddits of your choice.
You can do this via a campaign (from the Publishing tab) then choose the Reddit wall/profile OR choose a subreddit to publish to (from the Pages/Boards).
Remember to include the post title as that is a requirement for posting on Reddit. You can add post titles here:
All of us will find this new feature very useful!
Reddit comment bot
This feature on Jarvee allows you to auto-comment on Reddit posts based on specific keywords that you give the bot.
The way it works is, this Reddit bot by Jarvee will search for posts using the keywords you gave it, and then it will leave a comment on them.
I love the fact that this bot allows you to use syntax so that you don’t end up leaving the exact same comment on every post that you comment on.
To tell the bot what keywords you want to target, go to the ‘Sources‘ tab (3) and enter your keywords as I’ve demonstrated in the screenshot above.
Now type in your comment (5) before going back to the ‘Settings’ tab to start the bot.
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Reddit upvote bot
With this feature, you can perform the following:
- Upvote posts by specific URL
- Upvote posts in specific Subreddits
- Upvote posts of specific users
- Upvote posts on the homepage
These options are found under the ‘Sources‘ tab.
There a feature under the ‘Settings’ tab that allows you to use multiple Reddit accounts to do the upvoting. This only means that the more Reddit accounts you have, the more upvotes you can give out.
What a great opportunity for starting a service for selling Reddit upvotes!
Reddit upvote comment bot
The Reddit upvote comment feature gives you the following two features to make use of:
- Upvote specific comments by URL
- Upvote comments of specific user
You’ll find these features under the ‘Sources‘ tab.
This feature also comes with the option to use multiple Reddit accounts to upvote comments.
Reddit Full Browser Experience
The Reddit Full Browser Experience feature allows the bot to visit random websites as a normal human being would and leaves cookies for Reddit to use for ad targeting.
In the eyes of Reddit, this feature makes your activities on the platform appear natural.
There’s literally no setting you need to change here as Jarvee already listed on this feature websites to visit randomly. You just have to toggle status to START.
Setting up your account on this Reddit bot
In order to start using this Reddit bot, you’re going to quickly register, download and install Jarvee. They have a 5-day trial period that you can make use of.
Once you’ve installed Jarvee, got to SOCIAL PROFILES > ADD PROFILE > REDDIT.
Type in your username and password then hit VERIFY ACCOUNT. Once verified, it should now say VALID.
You’re now ready to start automating your activities on Reddit.
It is worth noting that if you’re going to be using multiple Reddit accounts on Jarvee, it is good practice to allocate each account its own proxy so that they don’t all appear to originate from the same IP address.
You’re all set to start botting on Reddit!
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