;Facebook is a great place to promote your business;Images are also great for getting more likes and shares.;Comments;Pictures and Videos

Types of Posts That Will Get More Clicks on Facebook

10 Tips on How to Build a Community on Twitter Reading Types of Posts That Will Get More Clicks on Facebook 10 minutes Next 20 Amazing Tips to Grow Your YouTube Following

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    Facebook is a great place to promote your business, but you have to be smart about it. You need to know what type of content get more clicks on Facebook.

    The reality is that there are no hard and fast rules to get more clicks on Facebook.

    There are many different types of posts that will get the most clicks on Facebook, but only if they’re done right.

    By using this guide we can learn how to optimize our social media marketing efforts by posting the right kinds of things at the right time in order to generate more traffic and leads from Facebook.

    In this article, I will go through the different types of posts that you should be posting on Facebook in order to get more likes, shares, and comments.

    Facebook is a great place to promote your business


    Links get the most clicks on Facebook and are great for spreading your content around the internet.

    The actual link in the post works as a headline so you should give it a title that people will be interested in.

    For example “Is your Facebook page optimized?” or “How to get more Facebook likes” are good titles for links.

    To get the most traffic from your links don’t over-stuff them with keywords.

    Your links should be for humans and not search engines.

    However, don’t talk to the humans too much-try and keep your copy as short as possible to keep their attention.

    We’ll do more research on post types later…

    Status Updates

    Status updates can also get more clicks on Facebook.

    Status updates are great for asking questions to get people talking.

    The best statuses that get a lot of clicks ask questions like “What do you think about this?” or “What is your opinion on this?”.

    You should also try to give some opinions with these types of posts, but don’t overdo it or else you will lose your fan base.

    A good example of a great status update is “What do you think about Fan Page Rankings?”


    Images are also great for getting more likes and shares.

    Images are also great for getting more likes and shares.

    The best types of images to post on Facebook are memes and infographics.

    You should try finding funny memes because people love to laugh, or else get your message across by using infographics.

    Infographics are great because they show people how to do something in a visual way.

    Keep your images as simple as possible and don’t post too many on one page.

    It’s okay to post an infographic with some text, but only if it is putting across a very important point that people should know about.

    A good example of a great infographic to post is “The Ultimate Guide To Facebook Ad Targeting”.


    Videos are also very effective to get more clicks on Facebook.

    They’re great because people love to watch videos on their newsfeed instead of reading text.

    You should try creating some short videos that are around 1 to 5 minutes long.

    Short videos get the most likes and shares because people don’t have much time on facebook-they’re busy checking out everyone’s statuses, photos, and other things that they might be interested in.

    So keep your videos short and to the point, but don’t ever cut some content out of a video because then it will lose its edge.

    Also, don’t try uploading the whole movie onto Facebook! Your fans won’t have time for all that.

    A good example of a great video to post is “Facebook Analytics by PageLever”.



    Comments are great for getting more likes and shares on Facebook.

    You can either ask a question that people will have an opinion about, or you can post something that other people might not know this is great because it will spark debate and get your fans talking!

    A good example of a great comment to post is “Who else goes on Google+?”

    Following Users

    Following people get more clicks on Facebook too.

    People love showing off how many friends they have, so this is a great way to get them talking.

    However, don’t just search through random friend lists for people that might be your fans.

    Your posts should only be visible to your own friends, so get creative and try finding people that will be interested in your content through contests or competitions.

    A good example of a great post to follow someone is “Like our page on FB and you could win this amazing prize!”.

    Liking Photos and Videos

    Liking photos and videos are another great way to get more clicks on Facebook.

    You should try liking a lot of the photos that your fans have uploaded onto their albums.

    Basically, any photo that your fans upload will help to boost their ego so they might be compelled to like one of your statuses as a thank you.

    You can also like a lot of videos that your fans have uploaded onto their pages.

    Doing this will get you some exposure because these people might check out your page if they enjoyed one of your likes on their video.

    Also, any time a person sees that you liked one of their photos or videos, it makes them feel important and could spark a conversation with them.

    A good example of a great photo to like is “Lovely shot!”.

    A good example of a great video to like is “Check out our latest video!”.

    Promotion and Advertising

    Promotions & Engagement

    Promotions and advertising are also effective for getting more likes, shares, and comments on Facebook.

    You should try trying to find new advertising partners or finding new promotions to give away. This way you will be able to spread your message and get some exposure with a whole new audience.

    However, always make sure that your content is in line with the people to who you are promoting yourself. If it’s not, they might not appreciate it.

    A good example of a promotion to advertise is “Like this page to win $100!”.

    A good example of a great post to advertise is “We have 50 free t-shirts for anyone who wants them!”.

    Like Comment and Share

    Liking comments and sharing statuses are also effective in getting more likes, shares, and comments.

    You should try liking some of your fan’s comments that they’ve made on other posts.

    Anytime you do this, they’ll feel special and appreciated. It’s a great way to start up a conversation with them too!

    Sharing your fans’ statuses is another good idea (but remember-only share statuses that are relevant to your page).

    A good example of a comment to like is “This is an amazing pic!”.

    A good example of a post to share is “This photo deserves more likes!”.


    Linking to relevant websites is another good way to get more clicks on Facebook.

    You should try searching for some websites that are related to your page’s niche. Try finding other brands or companies that have a similar target audience, and then send them a message asking if you can link back to their website.

    This kind of exposure is great for getting new potential fans and customers. It can also help you to build up some strong relationships with other companies!

    A good example of a website link to post is “Check out our friends’ websites!”.

    Pictures and Videos

    Pictures and Videos

    Having photos and videos on your posts will get more likes and shares than text-only posts.

    Your photos and videos need to be relevant to your brand too, so try and create some interesting pictures with captions that convey the message straight away.

    If you already have the video, make sure it’s re-uploaded onto youtube first before sharing it because this way more people can share your post, resulting in more likes and shares.

    A good example of a post to share with photos is “This photo shows why we’re the best!”.

    A good example of a video to share is “Check out our latest video!”.

    Articles, how-to’s and tutorials are also great for getting lots of likes, comments and shares.

    Your content should be relevant to your page’s niche, but it should also be educational and informative. Make sure that you are giving out quality information in your posts so that people will want to visit your website later on and see what else you have to offer!

    A good example of an article to share is “7 ways to promote your brand on social media!”.

    A good example of a tutorial to share is “How to create amazing videos!”.

    Status Updates

    Status updates with words or images will also get more clicks on Facebook.

    However, you should make sure that the content on your status update is relevant to your page’s niche.

    A good example of a post to share with words is “I’m thinking about this!”.

    A good example of a post to share with images is “This image really says it all!”

    Content, how-to’s and articles are also great for getting lots of likes, comments and shares on your facebook page.

    Your content should be relevant to your page’s niche, but it should also be educational and informative.

    Make sure that you are giving out quality information in your posts so that people will want to visit your website later on and see what else you have to offer!

    A good example of an article to share is “7 ways to promote your brand on social media!”.

    A good example of a tutorial to share is “How to create amazing videos!”.


    Liking comments and sharing statuses are also effective in getting more likes, shares and comments.

    You should try liking some of your fan’s comments that they’ve made on other posts. Anytime you do this, they’ll feel special and appreciated.

    Sharing your fans’ statuses is another good idea (but remember-only share statuses that are relevant to your page). A good example of a comment to like is “This is an amazing pic!”.

    A good example of a post to share is “This photo deserves more likes!”.

    Linking to relevant websites is another good way to get more likes and comments on facebook.

    You should try searching for some websites that are related to your page’s niche.

    Then, try finding other brands or companies that have a similar target audience, and then send them a message asking if you can link back to their website.

    Till next time!