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Making Money on TikTok in 2023: A Case Study

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    Making money on TikTok has become a very popular pursuit for people who make videos.

    It is one of the most successful social media platforms, and it is only getting more popular.

    However, there are many different ways to make money on TikTok: some methods are easier than others.

    In this blog post, we will explore one unknown. but simple way that you can use to make money on TikTok, and I’ll walk you step-by-step through the process!

    Can You Make Money on TikTok?

    TikTok, like Instagram, can be a great platform for making money when you know what you’re doing. There are many ways you can make a living from TikTok but some of the most common ones include the following:

    1. TikTok Creator Fund
    2. Affiliate marketing: by sharing videos of products/services in a particular niche and while having your affiliate link in the bio of your profile
    3. Reselling TikTok services
    4. Influencer Marketing among others

    How Much Money Do You Make on TikTok per View?

    The average TikToker makes between $0.001 to $0.002 for every sponsored view. So, if your video hits a million views, you’re likely to make between $1000 and $2000. That’s according to Business Insider.

    However, in this case study, I intend to grow my following on a TikTok page of mine that is dedicated to content about tattoos and eventually monetize it by means of affiliate marketing. This will be an ongoing case study and there will be a lot of experiments with different strategies, so, you might want to bookmark this page so that you can always check back for updates and other progress made.

    Related: If you leave the TikTok Creator fund, can you join back?

    Organically growing a following on TikTok by scheduling videos

    So, I’ve read a few threads by reputable members on different forums about growing TikTok followers rapidly by simply reposting videos with relevant hashtags. One guy who I’ve known for a while and have even borrowed ideas from grew a page to 21K followers in a week or so by reposting comedy videos.

    He was using Jarvee’s reposting tool before TikTok made some changes recently that made most of the automation tools dedicated to TikTok on Jarvee buggy. The team behind Jarvee has promised to fix it. Jarvee had always been my favorite social media automation tool.

    That said, the post-scheduling (campaign) function still works, and so, I decided I would use that to schedule a little over 100 videos and see what happens.

    I chose the tattoo niche as my intentions are to link to a tattoo design gig on Fiver and possibly make some money as an affiliate when TikTok allows me to put my link in the bio.

    I’m using for this case study, an old TikTok account that I had lying around. This account was following 113 and had 11 followers at the time of writing this article.

    This is the TikTok account I’m working on https://www.tiktok.com/@dauntlesstattoos

    What I’ve done so far

    So far, I believe I’ve done everything that needed to be done and now I’m just waiting to see how this project turns out.

    The profile is completed, with all the basics done (username, name, and bio done). I’ll admit I’m not very familiar with this niche, but it’ll be a learning experience. I downloaded into a folder about 100 videos from Instagram using Ingramer’s Instagram downloader.

    TikTok videos downloaded from Instagram

    This is how you schedule a posting campaign on Jarvee:

    1. Make sure your TikTok account is properly set up on Jarvee and shows as VALID.
    2. Click DESTINATION LISTS >> ADD DESTINATION LISTS on the left menu, and under the WALL/PROFILE tab select your TikTok account.destination list tiktok
    3. Now click on CAMPAIGNS >> ADD CAMPAIGN >> ADD STANDARD CAMPAIGN from the left menu. where to publish tiktok
    4. Click on the What To Publish tab, select MONITOR FOLDERS, and browse to find the folder in which you saved the videos you downloaded from Instagram. The When To Publish tab is where you set the number of posts per day your campaign should be posting. TikTok Add folder
    5. We need our videos to reach many users and we’ll be using relevant hashtags to do that. Jarvee has a feature called Dynamic Hashtags where you paste as many hashtags as you want and when it comes time to publish a post, the tool will randomly select a few hashtags and post them with your video. Go to the Overview tab and click on ADVANCED SETTINGS. Select TikTok and check Enable Dynamic Hashtags. Paste your hashtags as here (see image below).TikTok Jarvee dynamic hashtags
    6. You can now close the ADVANCED SETTINGS window and click Start Publishing for your campaign to start.

    I started writing this article and went out to do run some errands before publishing it. When I came back I found my tattoo TikTok account had gained a little and is now at 33 followers! So, it looks like this strategy actually works.

    DauntlessTattoos TikTok page

    Once every couple of weeks I’ll be downloading more videos from Instagram and will save them in that folder where Jarvee will automatically schedule them.

    I’ll be updating this article with the number of followers gained, maybe once every day or two, so, it might be a good idea to bookmark this page and check back every once in a while.

    Update 1

    I haven’t posted any more videos on TikTok in the last 24hrs because I had to travel and couldn’t leave my PC running. My campaigns are paused for now, until tomorrow.

    Nonetheless, I was able to gain about 90 followers on the 1st day.

    Organic TikTok growth

    Update 2

    I sort of got caught up with a different project I was working on that suddenly took off, and was unable to pay much attention to this one. As I type this, my following is at 602 followers. I also discovered that I didn’t need to reach 1000 followers to be able to put a clickable link in my bio.

    make money on tiktok

    As I mentioned, this project was meant to earn some money through the Fiverr affiliate program. With this program, you can recommend to your followers, friends and/or even family suitable gigs and you’ll earn a commission when they make any payment.

    I’ve just checked my affiliate dashboard and this is where I am:

    earn from tiktok

    Looking at the screenshot above shows that it’s possible to make make money on TikTok. Let’s see what happens in the next update.

    PS: The free trial version of Jarvee does not contain functions for TikTok. If you’d like to create a similar campaign you’ll have to upgrade to the paid version.

    Until next time!