How to grow your business on twitter

How Can I Grow My Business on Twitter?

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    Growing your business on Twitter

    How to grow your business on twitter

    Social media is one of the most efficient and effective tools to grow your business.

    Its especially useful in increasing your brand awareness, generating more traffic, and improving your engagement with your clients to achieve overall customer satisfaction and ultimately higher conversion rates.

    Every business today needs to leverage proper social media channels (Instagram, Quora automation, Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Youtube, and so forth) in the best way possible.

    By giving your business brand the social media touch, you not only generate more business but also connect with your customers better and serve them on a higher level.

    Whichever method or strategy you wish to employ, you need to be ready to put in some work. you need to ensure you are adding value to your audience and slowly you start reaping benefits and conversions.

    Twitter is no doubt one of the most popular platforms for social networking with its audience size projected to reach 275 million monthly active users worldwide. It follows then, that when efficiently utilized,

    Twitter is a great way to grow your business. The key to growing your business on Twitter lies in your ability to build an audience that interacts and engages constantly with your content.

    It cannot, therefore, be overemphasized enough the importance of creating highly informative, relevant, and engaging tweets that are precise and easy to understand.

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    Here are some specific ways you can use Twitter to grow your business;

    Increase Engagement

    This can be done by developing optimized content.

    Here you need content that you can tweet regularly, which could be a snippet from company news, tips from a spokesperson, or rich material from keyword search blog posts.

    Social Media Automation Software such as JARVEE can be used to automate the process of tweet scheduling to ensure tweets are delivered;

    • At such times when the target audience is online (maximizing on engagement)
    • At specific times of day to take advantage of the human habit bias
    • Periodically without fail to discourage boredom.

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    Build relationships with prospects

    Set up a live Twitter chat with your followers where you can discuss important topics. Your clients also get an avenue to ask questions, while also relaying useful feedback on your products or services.

    This ensures that you constantly improve on your methods or products and enhances customer satisfaction. Satisfied customers become your evangelists and will generate more leads from their circles.

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    Use of hashtags

    Twitter users only search for topics that interest them. Use hashtags that are unique to your product/product niche. Used sports tags for sports-related products/services etc.

    A custom hashtag can also be created and used with every tweet.

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    Cross channel marketing

    While Twitter is a great marketing tool, integrating it with other social media platforms will make it even greater. For instance, you can post photos on Facebook/Instagram and tweet about them.

    You can also link your Twitter account with a business blog or website. This will expand your engagement tremendously.

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    Increase tweets frequency

    Twitter is ineffective if it’s only used once a day. You must tweet multiple times in a day, especially during peak hours. The more your followers see you the more followers you will get.

    You can use scheduling software like JARVEE to automate and schedule multiple tweets with the right settings and the right Twitter limits so that you don’t have to sit on your computer all day.

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    Tap into current trends

    Keep up with the latest trends in your industry. On the left side of your Twitter page, you’ll see what’s trending in your area. Ride the coattails of a trend by hashtagging in your tweet.

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    Redirect for detailed information

    A tweet by its nature is constrained in what it can convey due to its 140 character limit.

    Often it’s better to use Twitter to point to a more expansive and detailed post elsewhere, this can be a blog or website. This way your audience has a chance to get an in-depth understanding of your brand.

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    Email marketing

    Email marketing is an effective growth strategy that every business should embrace. ideally, a business should give something away for free in exchange for a client’s email.

    This can be a beneficial eBook or course that is appealing to your target audience. once the email is collected they become your goldmine for you to create meaningful interactions through drip-fed campaigns.

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