How Many Instagram Accounts Can You Have?

How Many Instagram Accounts Can You Have?

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    As the wise saying goes, “You can’t have too many Instagram accounts.” Well, actually, you can. But who’s counting?

    In all seriousness, though, as long as you’re not abusing the system and adding dozens of fake or spammy accounts, there’s no harm in having multiple Instagram accounts.

    In fact, it can be quite useful to have multiple accounts for different purposes.

    So before you hit that limit on how many Instagram accounts you can have, read on to find out more about why and how you might want to use multiple Instagram accounts.

    how many Instagram accounts you can have

    What is the limit to how many Instagram accounts you can have

    Officially, you can have up to 5 Instagram accounts. However, there are automation tools that you can use to run an unlimited number of Instagram accounts.

    This can, however, be costly and you risk losing some of your accounts if you’re not sure what you’re doing.

    With that said, let’s look at some of the reasons why you might want to have multiple Instagram accounts.

    Why Have More Than One Instagram Account?

    There are a number of reasons why you might want to have more than one Instagram account. Here are some of the most common ones:

    1. You Have Multiple Businesses or Projects

    If you have more than one business or project that you’re working on, it makes sense to have separate Instagram accounts for each.

    This way, you can keep your personal life and your business life separate, and you can focus on promoting each one individually without confusing your followers.

    2. You Want to Appeal to Different Groups of People

    Another reason to have multiple Instagram accounts is if you want to appeal to different groups of people.

    For example, if you’re a fashion blogger, you might have one account where you post photos of your outfits and another account where you post photos of your dog.

    Or if you’re a travel photographer, you might have one account for your landscape photos and another for your portraits.

    3. You Want to Test Out Different Strategies

    If you’re serious about growing your Instagram following, you might want to have multiple accounts so that you can test out different strategies and see what works best for you.

    For example, you could try posting more often on one account and less often on the other, or using different hashtags on each account.

    By trying out different things and seeing what works, you can quickly learn what helps you get more followers and engagement on Instagram.

    4. You Want to Keep Your Personal Life Private

    Finally, some people choose to have multiple Instagram accounts so that they can keep their personal life private.

    If you’re not comfortable with sharing photos of your family and friends on the same account as your professional photos, then having a separate account for each can be a good way to keep things separate.

    5. You Want to Manage Multiple Accounts Easily

    If you’re managing multiple Instagram accounts for yourself or for clients, then using a tool like Jarvee can save you a lot of time.

    Jarvee lets you easily post to multiple Instagram accounts, schedule your posts in advance, track your progress, and more.

    With Jarvee, you can quickly and easily manage multiple Instagram accounts without having to log in and out all the time.

    There’s offering a free trial, so if you’re interested in trying it out, be sure to check it out.

    How to add multiple Instagram accounts

    If you want to add multiple Instagram accounts, here’s how:

    how to add multiple Instagram accounts

    How to switch between multiple Instagram accounts

    If you have multiple Instagram accounts, you can quickly switch between them without having to log out and log back in.

    You can do so by following these instructions:

    how to switch between Instagram accounts that you've added

    What to do if you hit the limit of how many Instagram accounts you can have

    Trying to add a 6th Instagram account and getting an error message? Don’t worry, it’s not just you. If you try to add a 6th Instagram account, you’ll get an error message saying that you’ve hit the limit of how many accounts you can have.

    However, there are ways to work around this limit. Here are a few things you can try:

    1. Use a tool like Jarvee to manage your accounts

    If you’re managing multiple Instagram accounts, using a tool like Jarvee can save you a lot of time.

    Jarvee lets you easily post to multiple Instagram accounts, schedule your posts in advance, track your progress, and more.

    With Jarvee, you can quickly and easily manage multiple Instagram accounts without having to log in and out all the time.

    2. Use a different email address for each account

    If you’re trying to add a 6th Instagram account, one thing you can try is using a different email address for each account.

    For example, if you’re using Gmail, you could use something like for your first account, for your second account, and so on.

    3. Use a different phone number for each account

    Another thing you can try is using a different phone number for each account.

    If you’re using an iPhone, you can add multiple phone numbers to your contacts and then use a different one for each Instagram account.

    To do this, go to Settings > Phone > Add a new contact, and then add the phone number you want to use for that account.

    4. Use a different device for each account

    If you’re trying to add more than 5 Instagram accounts, another thing you can try is using a different device for each account.

    For example, if you have an iPhone and an iPad, you could use the iPhone for 4 accounts and the iPad for the 5th account.

    How to make sure your account security is still strong with multiple Instagram accounts

    Adding multiple Instagram accounts can be a great way to improve your social media strategy, but it’s important to make sure that your account security is still strong.

    Here are a few things you can do to make sure your accounts are secure:

    1. Use a unique password for each account

    When you have multiple Instagram accounts, it’s important to use a unique password for each one.

    That way, if one of your accounts is compromised, the others will still be safe.

    To create a strong password, be sure to use a mix of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

    2. Use two-factor authentication

    Another great way to keep your accounts secure is to use two-factor authentication.

    With two-factor authentication, you’ll be required to enter a code that’s sent to your phone whenever you try to log in.

    This makes it much harder for someone to hack into your account, even if they have your password.

    To set up two-factor authentication, go to Settings > Security > Two-Factor Authentication.

    3. Don’t use the same email and password for multiple accounts

    If you’re using the same email and password for multiple accounts, stop!

    This is a very bad idea, as it makes it easy for someone to hack into all of your accounts if they get ahold of your login information.

    Instead, be sure to use a unique email and password for each account.

    4. Keep an eye on your activity log

    Finally, it’s important to keep an eye on your activity log.

    This is a great way to spot any suspicious activity, like if someone is trying to log into your account from a different location.

    To view your activity log, go to Settings > Security > Activity Log.

    If you see anything suspicious, be sure to change your password right away.

    These are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to managing multiple Instagram accounts.

    Pros and cons of having multiple Instagram accounts

    There are both pros and cons to having multiple Instagram accounts. On the one hand, it can be a great way to reach a wider audience and promote your brand.

    On the other hand, it can be time-consuming to manage multiple accounts, and you run the risk of having one of your accounts hacked if you’re not careful.

    Here are a few things to consider before creating another Instagram account:

    1. Do you have the time to manage multiple accounts?

    If you’re already struggling to keep up with one Instagram account, adding another may not be the best idea.

    Managing multiple accounts takes a lot of time and effort, so be sure you’re prepared to put in the work before creating another account.

    2. Are you using different strategies for each account?

    If you’re just posting the same content on each account, there’s really no point in having more than one.

    Instead, focus on creating unique content for each account and using different strategies to reach your target audience.

    3. Do you have the resources to keep all of your accounts secure?

    If you’re going to have multiple Instagram accounts, it’s important to make sure they’re all secure.

    Be sure to use strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and keep an eye on your activity logs.

    If you’re not careful, your accounts could be hacked, and all of your hard work could be undone.

    In Closing

    Having multiple Instagram accounts can be a great way to reach a wider audience and promote your brand. However, it’s important to be aware of the risks before creating another account.

    Be sure to use strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and keep an eye on your activity logs to help keep your accounts secure. And most importantly, only create another account if you’re prepared to put in the time and effort to manage it properly. Thanks for reading!