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How To Know Who VIEWS & STALKS Your Instagram (Without An App)

How Many Instagram Accounts Can You Have? Reading How To Know Who VIEWS & STALKS Your Instagram (Without An App) 5 minutes Next How to Write an Essay with the Help of AI

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    As the old saying goes, “curiosity killed the cat.” But in this day and age, it’s more like “curiosity got you Instagram followers.”

    Yes, we’re all curious creatures. We want to know what everyone is up to, what they’re eating, and where they’re going. And that desire often extends to our favorite celebrities and Instagram stars.

    We want to know who they’re following, who’s following them back, and what their most recent posts are. We even want to see which of our friends follow them!

    But there’s a dark side to all this curiosity. A side where people get way too obsessed with stalking other people on Instagram. A side where people use shady third-party apps to get information that they shouldn’t have access to.

    So before you go any further down this road of obsessive Instagram stalking, read on for some tips on how to do it safely and responsibly.

    The basics of Instagram stalking

    who views-stalks my Instagram

    Is someone stalking your Instagram? Chances are, they are. And there’s a good chance you’re stalking someone’s Instagram, too. But what exactly is Instagram stalking? And how can you tell if you’re being stalked on Instagram?

    Instagram stalking is basically when someone spends an excessive amount of time looking at another person’s Instagram account. This can include checking out someone’s profile multiple times a day, looking at all of their photos and videos, and clicking on all of their links.

    Basically, if you’re spending more time than you’d like to admit looking at someone’s Instagram account, you’re probably guilty of stalking them.

    So, how can you tell if someone is stalking your Instagram account? Well, there are a few telltale signs. For one, you may notice that someone who never liked or commented on your photos suddenly starts doing so.

    Or, you may see that someone who doesn’t follow you starts liking and commenting on your photos. If you start getting a lot of likes and comments from someone who doesn’t usually interact with your account, it’s a pretty good indication that they’re stalking you.

    Of course, there’s also the possibility that someone is just randomly liking and commenting on your photos because they think you’re cute or because they think your photos are cool. But if you start getting a lot of attention from someone who doesn’t usually interact with your account, it might be worth taking a closer look at their profile to see if they’re guilty of stalking you on Instagram.

    How to view your own followers

    If you’re worried about someone stalking your Instagram account, one of the best things you can do is take a look at your own followers. This will give you a good idea of who is interacting with your account on a regular basis.

    To view your own followers, simply go to your profile and click on the “Followers” tab. This will show you a list of all the people who are following you on Instagram.

    If you see someone on this list who you don’t recognize, or who doesn’t interact with your account very often, there’s a good chance they might be stalking you. Of course, this isn’t always the case, but it’s worth taking a closer look at these profiles just to be sure.

    Another thing to look for is people who have private profiles. If someone has a private profile, it’s likely because they don’t want other people to see what they’re up to. So if you see someone with a private profile following you, there’s a good chance they’re stalking you.

    Of course, there are a few other things to keep in mind when you’re trying to figure out if someone is stalking your Instagram account. For one, it’s important to remember that not all stalkers are bad people.

    Some people might stalk your Instagram account because they think you’re cute or because they think your photos are cool. So if you see someone stalking your account, don’t automatically assume they’re a creep.

    How to stalk people who have blocked you

    There are 3rd-party tools that will show you who has blocked you on Instagram. However, we don’t recommend using these tools because they violate Instagram’s terms of service.

    If you’re determined to stalk someone who has blocked you, your best bet is to create a new Instagram account and follow them from there.

    Of course, this isn’t the most ethical way to go about things, but it is the most effective. And if you really want to stalk someone who has blocked you, this is probably the only way you’ll be able to do it.

    Just be sure not to use your real name or any other personal information when you create your new account.


    Stalking someone on Instagram is pretty easy to do, and it’s also pretty easy to tell if someone is stalking your account. If you’re worried about someone stalking you, the best thing you can do is take a look at your own followers and see if there are any suspicious profiles.

    Of course, not all stalkers are bad people. Some people might just be curious about you or think your photos are cool. So if you see someone stalking your account, don’t automatically assume they’re a creep.