22 Ways to Increase Your Engagement on Twitter;twitter hashtags;Have a Strategy;Retweet Others;Use Social Media Monitoring;Have fun!;jarvee for twitter;Tweet Regularly;Include Your Blog Posts on Twitter;

22 Ways to Increase Your Engagement on Twitter

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    There are various ways to increase your engagement on Twitter, from following the right people and putting out high-quality content to broadcasting your tweets and being active in discussions.

    Find out what other methods will help you get more Twitter engagement!

    When it comes to getting more Twitter engagement you need to understand how Twitter works.

    Twitter brings together people that are interested in the same topics and so can be a great source of information for any business or individual looking to reach out to relevant audiences.

    There is no doubt that getting more Twitter engagement can be difficult but there are lots of strategies that work really well.

    Here are some top tips for you to get more from your Twitter account:

    1.Find Topics That Will Interest Your Target Audience

    Most businesses have found good success by finding these key terms and tweeting related content.

    You should not only focus on one topic though as this is unlikely to produce the results you want, try to diversify your content across a couple of different topics.

    By doing this you can build up a large following that will be interested in what you have to say.

    The best way to do this is to find out what your competitors are tweeting about and get involved in these conversations.

    It is easy for you to add value here as you will be in the know and your competitors may not.

    2. Use Twitter Engagement Tools


    A number of tools exist which help to measure and analyze your social media efforts.

    These will tell you key insights about how people are interacting with your page and help you track the progress.

    If you use a tool like Jarvee then it will allow you to schedule tweets in advance so that your page is being updated at appropriate times of the day which increases reach.

    jarvee for twitter

    Jarvee is one of the most popular tools used by small businesses and big corporations alike.

    This tool will allow you to track your progress over time, schedule tweets, and get an overall picture of how you are performing on Twitter.

    Another great way to increase your engagement on Twitter is to simply follow other people that are relevant to your business or brand.

    Always remember to follow back in return to anyone who follows you first and interacts with them whenever possible!

    3. Tweet Interesting and Relevant Content

    You need to engage people that like following you on Twitter.

    This means tweeting regularly and sharing high-quality content that they want to read. This is also known as ‘tweeting value’.

    Try spending some time writing updates yourself rather than using automated tweets so they have more impact.

    Even if it’s only 10 minutes every day spent crafting posts for Twitter can make a big difference in increasing your engagement on Twitter

    Also, remember to share images along with links and text, this will allow you to reach users across all platforms including phone and tablet apps.

    4. Retweet Interesting Tweets

    Find tweets that are of interest to your target audience members and retweet them!

    This will help to build a following for you and allow you more opportunities to increase your engagement on Twitter for the content you share.

    It’s also good practice to interact with other Twitters users as this can lead to mutual sharing which helps you get even more followers in addition to people talking about your account elsewhere on the social media platform.

    5. Use Hashtags

    twitter hashtags

    One way of increasing your engagement on Twitter is by using relevant hashtags in your posts.

    There is no point in just adding them into the middle of text however, make sure they naturally appear so like: ‘great #business tip’ or ‘I love my #cat’.

    Also, try to make the hashtags as broad as possible so that they are relevant to your entire target audience.

    This will help you reach people who might not have otherwise found you or noticed that you were tweeting about something.

    6. Have a Strategy

    Have a Strategy

    If you are only updating your account once in a blue moon then the chances of increase your engagement on Twitter are low.

    You need to make sure that you have some type of schedule or routine that will help you get lots of content on your feed and keep relevant followers coming back to see what’s new.

    This way you can take advantage of the content from other people as well as trying to create new posts yourself.

    You should also try to work out a posting frequency that works for you.

    What this means is don’t overdo it, but also don’t be too inactive.

    The most important thing is that you stick to what works so that followers can expect regular updates from your account and plan to spend some time on Twitter.

    7. Retweet Others

    Retweet Others

    It’s not only good practice to retweet interesting tweets but it can also help you get more followers yourself!

    Think of it like a ‘two-way street’ where other people can see what great content you have shared with them and in turn, they may want to follow you with their own Twitter account.

    There is no doubt that increase your engagement on Twitter should be your main focus when using Twitter for business but don’t be afraid if someone retweets your tweet, just thank them and let them know that you appreciate it.

    Retweeting is a great way to create mutually beneficial relationships with other users as well as getting your content out there and more visible.

    8. Offer a Prize

    This is a great way to use Twitter and increase your engagement on Twitter,.

    Engage with your audience by offering something that they want in return for additional social media exposure or even just as a simple reward at the end of the giveaway!

    You could offer an Amazon voucher or Amazon gift card, for example, these will likely be well received by existing and new potential customers as may similar products or services such as Playstation Store credit, Google Play money, etc.

    9. Join Online Communities

    – There are many online forums available where people post related questions and discussions on all manner of topics.

    Some businesses have found this to be very effective in getting their business mentioned along with gaining new followers who would have otherwise not found them.

    Often people will choose to follow a page that offers helpful advice, freebies, or just someone who has interesting things to say on the topic they are interested in.

    10. Follow Popular Pages

    Another way you can get more followers is by taking part in Twitter chats and following user-activated hashtags!

    This is a great way to get involved in the Twitter community and meet people who are interested in similar topics.

    JobbingMums for example run regular chats where you can join remotely via Skype or Google+ Hangouts, simply by following their hashtag and answering questions that are put to you.

    11. Use Social Media Monitoring

    Use Social Media Monitoring

    This should not be overlooked as such an easy thing to do but it can make a big impact, especially if you want your company to grow its social media presence!

    There are many services available now which allow your business access to millions of social media users so that you can instantly find relevant comments and reach out to anyone who mentions your company on any social network (Facebook, Twitter LinkedIn, and more!).

    You will also be able to see if anyone has mentioned you, and how many times.

    Depending on the service, you may also be informed of which website it is coming from so that you can check your Google analytics for example.

    This is a crucial tool if you are looking to track mentions and make sure that your social media strategy is on point!

    12. Post Regularly

    It cannot be stressed enough that you should make sure your Page is active every day!

    If people are following you for helpful tips, news and information then you need to deliver on those expectations.

    set a reasonable posting schedule of around 2-3 posts per day (However this will depend upon the size of your business) and stick to it!

    This way, people will know when to anticipate new content from you without getting bombarded with too many updates or tweets at once in a short space of time.

    Also, try not to add more than two links within each post (this only looks spammy).

    13. Build Authority

    Social media accounts that display authority are more likely to get more followers.

    This is a great way to get your business noticed and you will also be able to reach out for relevant comments, questions or advice from anyone who follows you!

    14. Add “Related Topics”

    If people are clicking on your company’s page then they obviously have an interest in what you have to say so be sure not to leave them hanging by simply posting content without adding related topics.

    You may forget about this but it will come back to bite you in the future if you fail to add more related articles when publishing blog posts etc.

    15. Be Human

    Social media is a great way for users to connect and feel closer to brands. However, some followers find it hard to connect with accounts that have no personality.

    Instead try and be more approachable by using multiple people for your postings (A good example of this is KitchenAid)

    If you do decide to use multiple people then set up a schedule so they don’t over-post.

    16. Have Fun!

    Have fun!

    Keeping things fresh will keep your Twitter engagement high and your followers happy!

    Put exciting quotes, pictures, or videos on your page.

    This will make you stand out in a sea of boring business posts and increase your engagement on Twitter.

    Make sure to tell funny stories about personal experiences that relate to the topic you are writing about (for example if you are writing about parenting tips then include a funny story about your kids).

    This is what makes social media fun!

    17. Be Unique!

    Now you have a good idea of how to increase your engagement on Twitter, you need to make sure that you stand out from the crowd!

    You can do this by being unique in your approach and finding new ways of interacting with your audience.

    Make sure to ask questions, offer competitions and answer any relevant comments that you receive.

    18. Tweet at the Right Time

    This is also crucial in terms of Twitter engagement since people have different schedules so posting at a specific time each day will give your marketing plan much greater reach than if you were to try and post whenever it suits you.

    You may want to post at a time that suits you but bear in mind the time zones of your followers as this will help them to find your updates and engage with your content more easily!

    This is a great way to get your followers interacting and sharing your posts with their friends, family, and colleagues.

    19. Respond to Questions

    This is key in any social media strategy or marketing plan!

    If people ask questions on Twitter then you should definitely answer them.

    A good example of this is Oreo.

    Oreo is a popular cookie brand and their Twitter account shows that they understand the importance of a reply!

    This way people feel valued and your company will attract more followers as well as monetary benefits from increased customer loyalty.

    20.Include Your Blog Posts on Twitter

    It is great to have updates from your own website on social media but you should also be sure to share links from other websites that relate to and/or complement the content that you are posting.

    This shows your followers where they can read more if they are interested in the topic or even when they can get more information about your products or services.

    21. Be Helpful, Not Pushy!

    If you are posting a product update, sale or discount then you should definitely let people know.

    However, make sure not to push too hard on this, and don’t just tell people that they can save money by buying your stuff!

    You will turn away lots of customers and Twitter followers if you do this.

    Instead, try and be helpful. Offer advice on new products or usage of current ones.

    22. Tweet Regularly

    Tweet Regularly

    You need to tweet once or twice a day at least if you want to increase your engagement on Twitter and stay relevant to your audience.

    The only exception is if there are certain days that don’t suit you, then just post the odd tweet every few days.

    It’s important not to overdo it either though as people may become annoyed by constant posting and unfollow you because of this.

    Sticking to this strategy will help you build an engaged following who likes your content and will likely follow you back.

    This is a great way to build up followers over time while avoiding the risk of spamming by flooding your Twitter feed with too much information at once.


    There are over 100+ ways to increase your engagement on Twitter.

    But the key is not being generic and adapting some of these methods for your own individual business needs.

    By effectively interacting with people then you can generate more interest in what you do and also promote your business to the public (which is a huge selling point).

    I hope that this article has been useful for everyone!

    If there are any other tips or methods that have helped you so far, be sure to mention them in the comments section below!