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Why is My Pinterest Traffic Dropping and How Can I Increase It?

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    Many people have noticed that Pinterest traffic to their website is dropping.

    This blog post will answer why this may be happening and offer some tips for how you can increase the amount of traffic your site receives from Pinterest.

    This is a major problem for many businesses, as they are seeing a significant drop in visitors from one of the most popular social media sites out there.

    So why might your Pinterest traffic be dropping?

    There could be any number of reasons why – and we’ll discuss the main reason why in this article.

    The Main Reason for the Decline in Pinterest Traffic

    It’s really not a coincidence that lots of publishers started experiencing huge drops in traffic from Pinterest around the time Pinterest was introducing ads to their platform.

    So, just as we saw Facebook turn into, it appears that Pinterest is also slowly following the same path and is now turning into a pay-to-play platform, where if you want to continue driving decent traffic to your website, paying for ads would be your next option.

    But is it true that everyone is experiencing drops in traffic from Pinterest?

    And if not, what are they doing differently?

    I’m a publishers’ Facebook group where a lot of members have over the last couple of months expressed their frustrations about the sudden drop of their traffic from Pinterest.

    However, one of the members shared that hers, on the contrary, was rising, and has been for a while. She offered what she believes she’s doing right.

    How to Increase Your Pinterest Traffic

    sudden drop in Pinterest traffic

    Here’s what she said:

    I’ve seen a lot of posts here about Pinterest traffic dropping and wanted to share what we do. I haven’t noticed a significant drop like I see happening a lot here, and our stats are actually on an upward trend right now.

    I know Pinterest can be a tricky beast, and I don’t know if anyone’s actually figured out what they’re looking for nowadays or how they’re ranking pins, but I can at least let you know what we do that has been working okay for us for many years.

    We did notice a decline over the years but nothing too crazy. We haven’t really changed the way we do anything on there so maybe we are just lucky but it can’t hurt to help?

    So, we DO use Tailwind to schedule posts. I’m honestly not sure if that has had an effect on anything good or bad.

    After a post is created, I go ahead and pin all of the images from that post using the standard Pinterest browser pin button.

    The first image I pin is always the one I think will stand out the most. A lot of the time the first images I pin don’t have text on them, just a pretty image!

    Once that first image is pinned using the browser extension from the blog directly to a board, I go and pin ALL OF THE OTHER ONES within that post, including the ones we create with the post title/heading text on them.

    I think this satisfies Pinterest’s new or fresh content desire.

    Then my virtual assistant adds the posts/images to Tailwind for future publishing on autopilot so we don’t worry about them.

    Every so often we will update our popular posts with new Pinnable graphics and then pin those directly from the blog with the browser extension again.

    But other than that, that’s about all we do. I really think that the first image you pin FROM your website directly to Pinterest makes all of the difference.

    It has to be attractive/beautiful/eye-catching and Pinterest seems to favor ones without text. Save those ones for AFTER you pin the first one.

    I’m not sure if that helps or not but if you haven’t been doing this I’d be curious to know if it makes a difference to your future pins.

    What We’re Doing

    Here at Social Tipster, we started our Pinterest account a few weeks ago, after we sold one of our websites and the buyer was insistent on buying both the website along with our previous Pinterest account.

    Our strategy for driving traffic from Pinterest is almost similar to what the group member described above – although in our case, we use Jarvee in the place of Tailwind.

    Jarvee, for us, is superior in many ways because we use it to automate not only Pinterest but also Facebook, Twitter, Quora, Reddit, and LinkedIn. We only stopped using it for our Instagram when Instagram became problematic to use 3rd-party apps.

    There’s a neat little feature on Jarvee that I find very useful. It’s called Social Exchange. This allows you to exchange repins with other Jarvee users on auto-pilot!

    pinterest traffic

    This is how we’re able to boost our pins and have them rank higher than our competitors.

    I hope this helps, and if you have any questions, please feel free to write in the comments section below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.