thing tiktok could improve;replying to comments on TikTok with videos

10 Things TikTok Could Do Better to Improve the Experience of Content Creators

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    TikTok is one of the most popular social media platforms for content creators. But, what if TikTok could do better?

    That’s right – there are some things that TikTok could improve to make it a more attractive platform for content creators.

    In this blog post, we’ll go over 10 ways that TikTok can improve their experience and help you get more views!

    10 Things Tiktok Could Do Better At

    thing tiktok could improve

    1. Show in Analytics Which Video Is Bringing in Followers

    It’s a shame that analytics don’t tell us which videos are bringing in the most followers.

    You can, however somewhat tell which video is bringing in followers when a video is running by looking at our stats, but sometimes it’s really hard to know because there might be like 3 or 4 different things going on all at once and you have no way of knowing for sure which one.

    2. Clickable Links

    Unfortunately, TikTok does not allow us to share clickable links in our video captions, or in the comments section of our posts. With such a large social media platform like this, I wish they would!

    It’s frustrating because it has so many people using it, and with all of these different kinds of videos going viral right now – you can’t even imagine how much more successful your business on TikTok could perform if you were able to link to specific products on your website.

    3. Roll out New Stuff for Everyone Equally

    I’m not sure what’s up with TikTok. It seems like the platform is just rolling out new features first on their “select” users before everyone else can eventually get them. When will I be able to do all of those neat things I see others doing?

    4. Take Away the New Feature Where Everyone Can Reply to Any Comment with a Video Feature

    TokTok should remove the new feature where anyone can reply to any comment with a video. This has been abused by spammers who’ve used it as an opportunity to promote their own low-quality videos, often spamming within seconds of each other.

    replying to comments on TikTok with videos

    While the app’s original purpose was for people looking at funny or interesting clips on the platform, the ability to post videos in other’s comments is unworkable in such scenarios due to abuse from spammers on the platform.

    5. Automatically Eliminate Trolls so They Can’t Troll on People’s Pages to Get Them Shadowbanned

    It’s now very easy for trolls on TikTok to post comments on your videos that can cause both the account and video itself to get shadowbanned.

    These despicable people are able to do this because there is no auto-filter in place by TikTok, who should be creating a way for these characters not only to stay off of our pages but also out of existence from social media entirely.

    6. Ability to Tag Items

    Selling items on social media is a great way for any entrepreneur to build an online business.

    I wish we could tag items on our TikTok posts the same way they’re available for Instagram.

    This would make it much easier to sell products through this platform, and I’m sure quite a few people are interested in what others have posted!

    7. That Everyone Could Join the Creator Fund Program

    It seems unfair that only creators in the US, UK, France, Germany, or other select regions are able to apply for TikTok’s Creator Fund program.

    The app is very popular outside of these countries but because they were not selected by TikTok as eligible areas there’s a great number of TikTok creators who’ve been locked out of this incredible opportunity to earn from their content.

    8. Stop Erroneously Flagging Videos for “violating Community Guidelines” When They Don’t

    TikTok is a great app, but lately, TikTok has been making some bad decisions.

    For example, they take way too long to reinstate flagged videos that are in compliance with community guidelines- sometimes up to one week! And what’s worse?

    They erroneously flag compliant ones for violating their own rules when they don’t!

    9. A Feature to Organize Videos

    I would love to see a feature that allows me to organize my videos. I post everything from recipes, beauty tutorials, DIYs & other lifestyle vlogging content so it may be difficult for me to effectively organize everything!

    10. Tech Support Responding to Appeals Quicker

    Having tech support and a QA team who will actually respond to appeals, egregiously reported videos or a place where bans are actually reviewed within 48 hours if it was wrongfully done.

    I wish they would give back the ability to actually comment on an appeal.


    No matter what TikTok does, they can’t please everyone. However, there are some basic things that would make content creators a lot happier with the platform and improve their experience in using it.

    The only real issue is how to solve these problems.

    What do you think? What should be done about this? Are there features you’d like to see on the platform?

    Let us know in the comments section below!