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How to Search Multiple Hashtags on Instagram-Astounding Solution(2023)

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    If you’re someone who frequently posts on Instagram, then I’m sure you’ve at least once had the problem of wanting to Search Multiple Hashtags on Instagram and don’t know how to.

    Luckily, there’s a solution, In this post, we will go over how to search multiple hashtags on Instagram as well as different tips that can help you make your life easier when using the app.

    What Are Instagram Hashtags?

    What Are Instagram Hashtags

    Instagram hashtags are simply a way to locate posts that are related to specific topics.

    When you search for hashtags, it’s as if the app is searching all of Instagram and bringing back results for everything that includes those keywords in them.

    Hashtags are denoted using the # sign, with the exception of words that are actually written in lowercase letters.

    My Instagram account is called _____ and I like to post photos about how ___ every day, so it’s important for me to find hashtags related to those topics.

    For example, if I want to see what other people have been posting about my favorite show Breaking Bad,

    all I have to do is search the hashtag #BreakingBad and I can see what other people have been posting about it.

    This is especially useful if you’re looking for a way to share your photos with others that are interested in the same topics as you,

    or if you want to be able to find posts from specific accounts without having them follow each of those accounts individually.

    Users can find their own content by typing out individual words or phrases on their post; then they would click the hashtag.


    Why Should I Use Hashtags in My Instagram Posts?

    Research shows that posts with hashtags typically get more likes and that there is a correlation between the number of hashtags in a post and how many total likes it gets.

    The reasons why you need to use hashtags include:

    Get More Followers

    Hashtags to enable you to find new followers.

    It increases your posts’ visibility on Instagram by including more keywords of interest to others.

    Using hashtags makes it easier for other users to find the content they’re interested in, and thus engage with you.

    When searching a hashtag, the search will show results from all different types of accounts that have used that same keyword or phrase within their post’s caption

    – not just the ones who are following you back!

    You can also use an advanced search option if complicated searches need doing.

    This is great because then people won’t be able to see how many likes certain posts get without having access;

    this way those numbers remain private.

    Each time someone clicks on one of these hashtagged words or phrases while scrolling through their feed,

    it creates an impression that’s a lot like advertising.

    So if you’re looking for more followers, this is the way to go!

    You can also tag other Instagram users in your posts using hashtags and phrases.

    This will show up on their feed with your post attached when they have it set to public.

    It’s another way of engaging people without having them follow you back – just make sure not to spam others by doing so as well!

    So now we know how important it is for us- or any company out there- to be using these fancy word search features.

    They may even help get new customers who are interested in what we provide but don’t want all our content cluttering up their feeds!

    Related: 4 Best Instagram Mass Story Viewer Tools in 2021

    Find Others with Similar Interests

    Find Others with Similar Interests

    Hashtags are instrumental in finding people with similar interests.

    When you search for a popular hashtag, it will show all the posts that have been tagged as having the same topic.

    If you’re unsure of how to use hashtags, take some time to read through Instagram’s help center and check out their tips on using tags in your posts like these:

    – Include one or two hashtags per post

    – Be creative! There are plenty of different ways to find hashtags related to topics you care about

    – Use keywords when tagging other users so they can see what your content is about and follow if they want more information

    And there we go! Now we know how important it is for us – or any company out there -to be using these fancy.

    Help Boost Engagement on Your Post

    Hashtags will help you boost engagement on your post and increase how many people you’re able to reach on Instagram.

    This is especially useful if you’re trying to reach a large audience and want more people to see your post.

    Additionally, hashtags will also allow you to engage with your target audience by following others who are using the same hashtag.

    You can search for hashtags under explore in Instagram, but you’ll only see posts that include the words or phrases you typed into the search bar.

    Instead of typing a full sentence to find what you’re looking for, use some keywords and numbers to make searching faster and easier.

    Give Insight to Users Who Might Not Know about You Yet

    Hashtags will give insights to your followers about the content they are interested in users can search for a hashtag and see other people’s posts who are talking about that topic.

    This is called “following” someone on Instagram, or subscribing to their feed because you want to see what they post.

    Help You Categorise Your Posts

    Help You Categorise Your Posts

    The best way to manage your posts is to use hashtags.

    Hashtags group posts together so that people who are online at the same time can find your content.

    Hashtags make it easier to organize and search for a topic.

    You may also use them to categorize content in relation to themes or subjects.

    For example, #bloggerlife is great for when you want new followers from other bloggers and share photos of what life is like as a blogger; #fashionistas might be better if you’re looking to get fashion advice from others with similar interests.


    The Best Way to Search Multiple Hashtags on Instagram

    The simplest way to search for a hashtag is simply to open your Instagram app and type it in the search bar.

    You can also tap on the magnifying glass icon to select a hashtag from an auto-populated list you may find that your desired hashtag doesn’t appear for any number of reasons:

    They could be too new, not popular enough or just made up by someone else!

    If this occurs, there are several ways to find what you’re looking for. One way is through ‘explore’.

    Explore is Instagram’s second home screen and displays content based solely on hashtags.

    The limitations that you cannot add multiple hashtags to your post simultaneously.

    Luckily, there are a few apps that can help on how to search multiple hashtags on Instagram.

    Search Multiple Hashtags on Instagram Using Combin

    Combin is an Instagram marketing and content planning tool that allows you to easily search for multiple hashtags on Instagram.

    To start using combin head to their website and create an account, then log in to your Instagram account using the app.

    Once logged in, type in a hashtag new search field as below.

    Combin will give you a list of similar hashtags and the number of tagged posts for each hashtag option will be displayed. Pick the preferred hashtag by clicking on it.

    combin hashtags

    To conduct a multiple hashtag search, click the “+” button located on the right side of the hashtag field.

    A new hashtag field will be shown below the first one.

    Every time do a new search, an option to add another hashtag will appear.

    combin add hashtags

    In order to find the right hashtag for you, try thinking of words that best describe your brand or your account content. Similarly, think of words your potential audience is likely to be searching for.

    Search by Location

    You can use location to search for hashtags by typing the location name on the field located below the hashtag field or pick on the inbuild interactive map within combin interphase.

    Click on the map icon on the right side of the location field.

    The map has three icons: Auto, Manual and Recent.

    The “Auto” and the “Manual” modes represent the available search modes.

    The “Recent” icon represents a list of locations you’ve searched recently.

    To use the manual mode, type the desired location on the “Move to” field on the top left side of the map.

    You can zoom in or zoom out of the map using the “+” and “-” buttons to cover bigger or smaller areas.

    To use the Auto search mode: define a search area within the map and click next, give the selected area a name then click on “Apply”.

    Combin multiple hashtags tool will automatically detect locations within the selected area and display the search results.

    combin hashtags search using maps

    How Many Hashtags Can I Use per Post?

    You can add up to 30 hashtags on 1 Instagram post. when you try to use more than 30 hashtags,

    How many hashtags can I use per post?

    You can add up to 30 hashtags on one Instagram post. when you try to use more than 30, you won’t be able to post your comment/caption.

    Additionally, you can use up to 10 hashtags on your “Story”

    Research shows that posts that receive the most engagement usually use 7-10 posts.

    While there is no specific number you should use, sometimes using all 30 may appear spammy.

    Depending on your niche, do a bit of testing to find your sweet spot.


    If you want to use several hashtags, ensure that the type of content is cohesive and relevant across all platforms.

    A hashtag can be used as a way to categorize posts or connect people with similar interests.

    This article has shown you how to search for multiple hashtags on Instagram, what’s the limit?

    How many hashtags should I put in my post?

    We hope this helps! Are you encountering any issues setting up your account?

    Feel free to contact us if so.