[SOLVED] Change the Size of Embedded Youtube Video WordPress

[SOLVED] Change the Size of Embedded Youtube Video WordPress

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    In this short tutorial I will teach you how to change the size of the Youtube video you’ve embedded into your WordPress article or page.

    Why Should You Embed Videos in Blog Posts?

    Youtube videos are a great way to add more exciting content to your blog post.

    They help you get more engagement with your audience and they will keep them interested in the topic.

    It’s also a great way to show off your product or service in action.

    You can even use Youtube videos as an introduction to your blog post, which will make it easier for people who might not be familiar with what you’re writing about, or who simply better understand the information inside a video rather than an written one.

    As you may already know, WordPress give you the possibility to customize any page or post, and any element inside of it. In the last years, more and more people are using visual editor plugins, such Gutenberg, Visual Composer, WPBakery Page Builder, Beaver Builder or Elementor (and many other addons) because those are easier to control rather than writing the entire code from scratch.

    Change Size of Embedded Youtube Video WordPress

    How To Change the Size of Embedded Youtube Video in WordPress? I will show you the easiest way, directly provided by Youtube:

    I. To change the size of the Youtube video in your post or page, do this:

    1. Go to Youtube and search for your video.

    2. Press on the “Share” button. You will see the “Embed” option just at the begin (before the Facebook button – see the image below).

    IMG 1 - Share Button | Youtube Embed WordPress
    IMG 1 – Share Button | Youtube Embed WordPress

    3. Press the Embed button (see the image below).

    IMG 2 - Embed Button | Youtube Embed WordPress
    IMG 2 – Embed Button | Youtube Embed WordPress

    4. Copy-paste that custom code (see the image 3, below) into your WordPress page/post. Don’t forget: You have to be in the TEXT mode, and not into the visual mode, when you paste the code into the post/page.

    IMG 3 - Embed Video Settings | Youtube Embed WordPress
    IMG 3 – Embed Video Settings | Youtube Embed WordPress

    5. You can modify the size of the video directly from the code.

    6. Optional: You may also setup the starting point of the video (eg: 1:47).

    7. Check “Show player controls” if you want to let your website visitors to control the video.

    8. Very important: Check the “Enable privacy-enhanced mode”. What is this? This is a new feature provided by Youtube. Basically, when you check this box, you turn on the privacy-enhanced mode, and Youtube won’t store the information of your visitors until they will start that specific video (See the image below).

    IMG 4 - What does YouTube-Nocookie com mean? | Youtube Embed WordPress
    IMG 4 – What does YouTube-Nocookie com mean? | Youtube Embed WordPress

    9. Now you can click “Update/Publish” and review your new post/page.

    In fact, with this source code, you can modify the size of the embedded video on any addon specified above (Gutenberg, Visual Composer, WPBakery and so on). Again, just make sure you are in the TEXT mode/HTML mode, and not into visual.

    For the other addons (Elementor, for example), you can add a new HTML element, and insert the video code there.

    II. Change ratio/proportion Of Embed YouTube Video In WordPress Using Gutenberg Editor

    1. Go to the post/page and press edit.
    2. Go to the specific block where your video is inserted.
    3. Hover the block and press on the 3 dots.
    4. From the drop-down meniu, select: “Edit as HTML”. Now you will see the video code (same as above).
    5. Here you can change the aspect ratio of the video (4:3, 16:9, 21:9).