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FuelTok Review: The Inexpensive but Most Effective TikTok Bot

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    I’ve been growing my own TikTok accounts before selling them once they reached 1000 followers.

    The problem with growing TikTok accounts manually is, they take so long to reach milestones unless, of course, one of your videos goes super-viral. It also unsurprisingly consumes so much time.

    To bring attention to your TikTok content, you need to put in a lot of time to interact with other users especially those in the same niche as yourself.

    That will include watching and liking their videos, leaving comments, sending them DMs, and even following them.

    Now if you’re planning on growing more than 5 Tiktok accounts, doing everything manually will definitely take away time from your other businesses and may probably end up not being a worthy cause to pursue.

    For this reason, I needed a reliable TokTok bot that would automatically perform all other activities so that I would focus on creating interesting videos and also have time for other equally crucial parts of my business.

    The thing about TikTok is, you want to be careful which bot to use.

    Many of the popular bots for TikTok being recommended on the internet usually lead to your accounts getting shadowbanned, and even though you might gain a few hundred followers on TikTok every week, your videos will still not get meaningful views that are worth the input.

    I knew this going in so I created banner accounts that I was going to test on every popular TikTok bot before settling on the one that will have performed the best.

    Soon after, I came across Fueltok and was pleased to find that they were offering a 7-day free trial of their bot, so I went ahead and quickly signed up and started testing.

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    A Review of Fueltok – TikTok Bot

    fueltok tiktok bot

    What is Fueltok?

    Fueltok is a safety-conscious bot for TikTok that anyone who wants to become famous on TikTok can take advantage of.

    It is popular among individuals and social media agencies that grow TikTok accounts for their clients.

    Fueltok mimics normal human behavior when interacting with other users in the same niche as your account by performing certain actions like following (while observing the follow limits on TikTok), liking among other activities.

    By doing so, you will quickly begin to notice your account getting more followers, likes, views, and comments, and just like on Instagram when a video engagement goes up, TikTok’s algorithms will boost your videos so that more users that aren’t even following your account will get to see it which in turn will lead to your account getting more followers organically.

    The Fueltok TikTok bot offers a variety of features that will take literally all the manual work from your hands and grow your account while you sleep.

    For someone like myself who’s grown accounts on virtually every popular platform, I was pleased to learn that Fueltok is cloud-based and therefore won’t require you to download any software, and best of all, you’re not required to purchase your own proxies in order to use the tool.

    This means that whether you’re on a Windows PC, Mac, Tablet, or even your phone, setting up your Tiktok account on Fueltok is a seamless process and won’t take more than a couple of minutes.

    When you sign up for the free trial of Fueltok, you get 5 slots so that you can test the bot on up to 5 TikTok accounts.

    Based on which of the five TikTok accounts, you can copy the settings of the fastest-growing account and use it on the other four.

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    Getting started with Fueltok

    Setting up your account on Fueltok is pretty user-friendly and shouldn’t take longer than 5 minutes per account. First, you’re going to sign up and sign in in order to get started.

    Fueltok getting started

    The Tiktok bot on Fueltok falls under Growth Service on the left-hand side of the menu.

    The Likes & Views option in the menu serves a different purpose, where you can additionally boost your videos by sending auto likes and views to your TikTok videos.

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    Fueltok features

    Fueltok tiktok bot features

    As mentioned earlier, the Fueltok TikTok bot offers a number of useful features for growing your account. Some of those include:

    … among others.

    When you set up your account on Fueltok for the 1st time, the bot has a warmup feature whereby your TikTok account will start performing actions moderately before increasing pace to your desired speed.

    This also helps to mitigate issues like your account getting shadowbanned and thus your reach will not be reduced by using the Fueltok TikTok bot.

    Fueltok also allows you to select your country of residence so that a proxy/IP that matches your location will be assigned to your account and therefore help avoid rousing login suspicions that occur when your account is logged in from a different country away from where it was created.

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    Adding your account to Fueltok

    1. Once you’re logged in, click Add Account on any of the 5 slots presented to you.
    2. Choose your country of residence and add the phone number attached to your TikTok account and then click on NEXT. A verification code will be sent to your phone. Type it in and hit Submit. fueltok select country
    3. Now individually add 5 TikTok usernames of big accounts in your niche (with thousands of followers) and hit ADD every time until you have all 5 then click Next. fueltok add sources tiktok bot
    4. Choose how fast you want your account to grow. You have 3 options here: SLOW, MEDIUM, and FAST. I like to go with MEDIUM as I prefer not to rush things, but you’re to pick any other. fueltok medium settings
    5. Now click on Submit and you’re all set!

    Your account will now go through the warm-up phase for three days before increasing the pace to the speed you set earlier.

    Edit: I also tested the Fast speed option on my other account and found it to perform better than the other two without jeopardizing my account.

    Related: How to reset TikTok ForYou page (FYP)

    Fueltok pricing

    Fueltok offers 3 different price points:

    • 1 Month plan
    • 2 Months plan
    • 3 Months plan

    There’s really no difference in regards to the features and the only difference here is you’ll be saving some money by purchasing a bigger plan.

    Fueltok TikTok bot pros

    1. You will be gaining REAL followers which in turn will boost your engagement
    2. Fueltok is cloud-based and therefore you won’t need to download any software
    3. The bot runs 24/7
    4. It’s safe and won’t get your account shadowbanned or disabled
    5. You can choose the location nearest to you to avoid suspicion (you don’t need to purchase proxies)
    6. Fueltok allows you to grow multiple TikTok accounts
    7. Affordable

    Fueltok TikTok bot cons

    1. You can’t schedule posts on Fueltok yet
    2. Some people may not be very comfortable with the price particularly if you’re looking to grow only one TikTok account.

    FuelTok Update

    FuelTok Unfollow Tool

    Fueltok recently added an unfollow tool on their automation tool.

    The way this works is, once your account is properly set up on TikTok, it will perform all the other actions and will on the fifth day start performing the unfollow actions.

    The unfollow tool also plays within the limits for unfollowing on TikTok and is hence safe to use.

    In the end, your followers’ count will be a lot more than the accounts you’re following and will therefore give it a better look.


    What is FuelTok?

    FuelTok is an inexpensive TikTok bot that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to automate TikTok engagement, growth, and management.

    How does FuelTok work?

    FuelTok works by targeting and engaging with relevant TikTok users, increasing the visibility and engagement of your TikTok account, and ultimately leading to more followers, likes, and views.

    Is FuelTok safe to use?

    Yes, FuelTok is safe to use as it complies with TikTok's terms and conditions and uses advanced security measures to protect your account from any potential risks.

    What are the benefits of using FuelTok?

    Some of the benefits of using FuelTok include increased TikTok followers, views, and engagement, improved brand awareness and visibility, and time-saving through automation.

    Can FuelTok guarantee results?

    While FuelTok cannot guarantee specific results, it has a track record of helping TikTok accounts grow and achieve significant engagement levels.

    How much does FuelTok cost?

    FuelTok is an inexpensive TikTok bot with a variety of pricing plans starting at just $9.99 per month, making it an affordable option for all types of TikTok users.

    How easy is it to set up and use FuelTok?

    FuelTok is easy to set up and use, with a user-friendly interface and simple instructions to follow. It also provides excellent customer support to assist users in getting started and answering any questions they may have.

    Is there a free trial for FuelTok?

    Yes, FuelTok offers a 7-day free trial for new users to test the bot's features and see if it is the right fit for their TikTok account.

    Can FuelTok be used for multiple TikTok accounts?

    Yes, FuelTok can be used for multiple TikTok accounts, allowing users to manage and grow multiple accounts simultaneously.

    Is there a refund policy for FuelTok?

    Yes, FuelTok offers a 14-day money-back guarantee if users are not satisfied with the bot's performance.

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    Until next time!