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Best TikTok Auto Liker for Boosting Engagement on TikTok in 2023

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    If you’re looking for TikTok auto-likers that are going to help boost your TikTok engagement, then you’ve come to the right place.

    We tested TikTok auto liker bots from all over the web and found one that was absolutely perfect for our needs.

    In this article, we’re going to be talking about this TikTok auto-liker that we found and why it’s the best TikTok auto-liker for boosting engagement on TikTok.

    What’s a TikTok Auto Liker

    An auto liker for TikTok is an automated system that checks your TikTok page for a newly uploaded video and sends likes to it in order to boost your video’s engagement and possibly get it to feature more on the ForYou page of other users.

    A good TikTok auto liker is one that detects a new video within the first 30 minutes of posting. A newly uploaded video will likely go viral when these likes start coming in sooner.

    You also want to go for an auto liker for TikTok that has a large pool of REAL TikTok accounts so that you don’t end up getting likes from the same accounts every time you post a video.

    In this article, I’ll be introducing you to an auto liker called FuelTok that meets all the above features while still remaining undetected by TikTok and therefore one of the safest there is.

    How Do Auto Likers for TikTok Work?

    tiktok auto likes

    You see, TikTok algorithms work, in many ways, nearly the same as Instagram’s do.

    When you post a new video, the algorithms will show it to a few users in the first few seconds and gauge their reaction.

    This helps it determine whether the video deserves to get more exposure.

    The more likes your video gets within the 1st few minutes, the more likely your video will go viral.

    This is why most TikTok influencers are turning to auto-likes.

    They’re considerably affordable and once your videos go viral, you’re likely to gain a decent amount of followers within a short period of time, without needing to follow and unfollow anyone.

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    Difference Between TikTok Auto Likers and ‘Manual’ Likers

    As mentioned earlier, an auto-liker stands out in the sense that it auto-detects your newly uploaded videos and delivers likes to them without you needing to do anything.

    This means that your video will receive likes within the 1st few minutes after posting. Manual likers, on the other hand, require you to manually submit your videos.

    A good example of manual likers is SMM services that allow you to buy TikTok likes.

    ‘Normal’ likes will rarely reach your videos within the critical time and therefore their effectiveness in causing your videos to go viral is slightly lower than that of auto likes.

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    Do Auto Likes Cost More than Normal Likes?

    Absolutely not, although sometimes this may depend on where you buy them from, they can cost up to 90% OFF!

    Let’s take the example of our primary provider of auto likes, that’s Fueltok. (PS: You can read our review of TikTok here).

    We purchase from this website Tiktok likes, -views, and we also bought TikTok followers.

    Their prices are some of the most competitive in the market and their likes and followers come from REAL people and are delivered instantly!

    When you make a one-time purchase of TikTok likes from Fueltok, you’ll pay 29.99€ for 5000 likes from real people.

    On the other hand, when you opt for a monthly subscription of 5000 auto likes per post, you’ll only pay 59.99€. This translates to about 150000 auto likes from real users!

    Auto likes will be delivered to your future posts as soon as you post for a whole month without you needing to do anything. Also, your TikTok password is not required when buying TikTok auto likes.

    Part of the reason why these auto likes are so effective and TikTok won’t be able to tell that you bought TikTok likes is, the users are real and active, as opposed to likes coming from accounts whose sole purpose is to like videos while never doing anything else on TikTok.

    Let’s take a look at a few things to keep in mind when looking for a good TikTok auto liker service.

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    A Summary of What Makes for a Good TikTok Auto Liker

    1. Quality of Likes

    When looking to purchase auto likes for your TikTok, always ensure the likes come from real and active users. Active users do more than just like others’ videos.

    They watch videos, upload their own regularly, and also comment on other users’ videos.

    TikTok algorithms see this as a strong signal that people are enjoying your videos and as a result, your videos will more often land on the For You page of many users on TikTok.

    2. Speed of Delivery

    A good auto liker for TikTok will detect that you’ve posted a new video within no time and start delivering likes immediately so that you won’t lose your opportunity to go viral.

    Likes that are delivered instantly will also rank your videos for hashtags that are otherwise difficult to rank for.

    auto likes speed of delivery

    You also want to pick a service that lets you customize the timing of the delivery so that you can experiment with what times work best for you. Fueltok offers you 6 different options to choose from.

    For our car account, the default (1 hour) timing has worked the best so far.

    3. Competitive Pricing

    TikTok auto likes need not be expensive. Fueltok for example offers six different price points for auto likes depending on how many you’re subscribing for.

    The higher the number you select, the cheaper it becomes. The 5000 likes/post option, for instance, is 90% cheaper compared to the smallest package.

    Of course, the pricing needs to match the quality of likes.

    Likes from fake accounts will usually cost cheaper, but there are no benefits to gain from them and they could also lead to your TikTok account getting shadowbanned if not disabled.

    Now, let’s take a look at the pros and cons of buying TikTok auto likes.

    PS: Fueltok also offers an SMM panel for people who are looking to resell TikTok services.

    TikTok Auto Likers Pros

    1. Building Trust – when auto likes come from real and active users, your TikTok account will look more genuine which is good for your business. Users are more inclined to purchase products from businesses that have higher engagement than those without.
    2. Gain Followers – high-quality auto likes can easily boost your videos so that they can go viral and hence reach more people. The more people your videos will reach, the more followers you’re likely to gain.
    3. Increase Sales – just as with gaining followers TikTok, you’re likely to make more sales when your videos reach more users on TikTok.
    4. Rank for Competitive Hashtags – just like on Instagram, ranking for competitive hashtags is not an easy affair when your engagement is low. When you buy TikTok auto likes, your videos will likely rank for competitive hashtags, which means that even as the video ages, people will still find them when they search for specific hashtags that you rank for. This has the long-term effect of growing your following exponentially.

    Cons of Auto Likers

    Some people may find it a bit unethical to purchase auto likes.

    However, in a competitive world where big businesses can easily push smaller competitors out of the market, you really don’t have much choice left but to buy likes.

    Auto likes cost money, which not everyone can afford.

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    Should You Use Auto Likers for TikTok?

    Absolutely, particularly if you want to skip all the years it takes to grow an account’s following into hundreds of thousands.

    Also, TikTok is relatively new and at this time, they aren’t clamping down as hard on users purchasing likes.

    However, in a few years, just like on Instagram, all that may change, which means, it will get harder to grow on the platform as it is right now.

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